
Secret Lives of Slytherits
Deep in the heart of the forest, away from human eyes, thrives a colony of strange but fascinating creatures known as Slytherits. A unique type of Mustela, Slytherits share traits with their cousins such as ferrets, honey badgers, weasels, and mongooses, despite their distinct classification. This active clan of Mustelids has lived harmoniously in the forest for generations, flourishing in their secluded home.
With the season rolling into spring, it’s an eagerly anticipated time for the Slytherits. Spring marks a significant milestone when the six-month-old Slytherit kits are ready to be assigned to mentors within the colony. This period is vital for the kits as they transition into apprentices and start learning the essential skills required for their survival and the colony's prosperity.
It’s a big step in the world of Slytherits for the kits to become apprentices, as danger always lurks nearby. However, the tightly knit mob never allows that to deter their vibrant lives, choosing to live their lives to the fullest. This will be an eye opening reveal into the real lives of the Slytherits.
Just a fun little Rp while I no doubtedly work on a Dragon/Rider one. Edited at November 19, 2024 06:18 PM by Imperial Sands

The Roleplay Rules Follow All of Eve's and WP's Rules
1. Let's be Fairly Active, 'Kay? Just try your best.
2. All literacy levels welcome, just be able to post at least 1 paragraph per RP post, and description in sign ups. No One Liners Allowed.
3. This is a species I've created based on the traits, characteristics, and physical combination of other species. Please follow the guide I create when making a Slytherit.
4. Maximum 4 Characters Per Person for Now, but I'll likely lift that later on.
5. This is just supposed to be a fun little, slice of Slytherit life Rp. So lets vibe, and have fun.
6. If you think I should make or remake a Dragon/Rider rp, put which Rp in Other section. If you have no opinion, ignore this rule. Im a gluten for dragons.
7. Also, if you think they should have bat little like wings, put this in Other too.
8. No Godmodding, Powerplaying, Perfect Characters, etc.
9. Have fun!

About the Slytherits
Slytherits are a part of the Mustelid genus, and are very similar to Ferrets in terms of size and build, but also have characteristics of Mongoose and Honey Badgers. They have the pretty standard longer bodies, with more powerful hind legs that allow them to rise up and perch on them, as well as stand, when they see fit. Because of their build, they're designed to be able to traverse through tunnels quickly and efficiently, making it not only ideal for them to hunt in for food, but live in and escape to. They do have relatively short legs, but not quite to the same degree as ferrets, but not considerably longer either.
Here are some other Traits: - Highly Resistant to Venom and Poisons - Built for Living in Burrows & Tunnels - Long, Curved Claws Built for Digging/Gripping/Defense - Slender, Narrow Muzzles - Sharp, Penetrating Teeth - Surprisingly Strong Bite - Amazing Eye Sight & Sense of Smell - Excellent Night Vision - Natural Colorations - Long, Fluffy Tails - Additional Membranous Eyelid to Protect Eyes While Underground - Males tend to be more muscular and bigger than females, whereas females tend to have more fat reserves to help them when raising young - They reach Sexual Maturity at about 1.5 Years. - While Slytherits can have kits year round, they tend to conceive in late spring or early fall, and then birth late fall or early winter, so that kits reach Apprentice Age at the beginning of Spring. - Litters are 2-3 Per Mother. Singlets are Uncommon, but Quads are far more Rare.
Diet: Omnivorous Primary Foods Consist Of: - Eggs - Rodents - Insects - Fruits/Vegetables - Roots - Small Birds - Even Snakes
Predators: - Birds of Prey - Snakes - Coyotes - Foxes - Wild Dogs - Anything Carnivorous that's Bigger
Habitat & Behavior
While its true that Slytherits live deep in the forest, and they prefer this to open fields or meadows, they do often travel to them for foraging or hunting. They will have a main "densite" that essentially acts as a home site where all their burrows are. Each burrow will connect to the same main tunnel so none of them have to exit the ground to venture to another's burrow unless they wish to. This means most burrows have 2 exits/entrances.
Their fierce little creatures who are surprisingly territorial, both to each other, but other creatures. Anything that is near their burrows is unwelcome, and they'll attack as a unit to push it away from their homes. Contests between Slytherits for specific if burrows, as often the male with the best burrow tends to be viewed as the more suitable mate to the females of the species. This means males will have their own individual burrows, only shared with their mates and kits, whereas females will sleep communally in one burrow together until they find a mate and move into his burrow. This means if a male is trying to impress a female and solidify their courtship into matehood, he may challenge another male for a burrow if she isn't impressed with his current one.
The Mob Hierarchy
Boss(es) These are the Matriarch and Patriarch of the Colony, and are a mated pair. They lead the Mob, and make decisions for it.
Wingman The Second in Command to the Bosses. Sometimes there can be two if the Mob is large enough. Can be male or female, but tend to be male.
Sentinels These are the four Slytherits who are in charge of leading the Vanguard in keeping watch and defending, one for each direction: North, West, East, and South. Each will have a couple of Slytherits from the Vanguard beneath them that they lead.
Vanguard These are the Slytherits who keep watch and defend the Mob from predators and what not.
Hunters & Foragers These are the slytherits who are responsible for providing food for the Mob. Some will be primarily hunters, others primarily foragers. Typically males are Hunters, and females Foragers.
The Kit Watch These are the Slytherits who are in charge of watching and caring for the Kits of the Mob while their parents are out. Typically there is at least 1 nursing mother among them. Occasionally there is a male with them, especially when the Kits are very young. When there are no Kits, they will return to the Hunter or Forager rank.
Apprentices These are the Slytherit Kits who are 6 Months and older, aging out at 1.5 Years old.
Kits These are the young Slytherits who are under 6 months of age.

The Available Roles
The Mob
Boss(es): 1. F | Reserved for Me 2.
Wingman: 1.
Sentinels: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Wanguard: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Hunters & Foragers: 1. M | Reserved for Me 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
The Kit Watch: 1. 2. 3.
Apprentices: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Kits: 1. 2. 3. 4. Edited at November 19, 2024 06:17 PM by Imperial Sands

The Form
Name: Age: Gender: Rank: Desired Rank: Appearance: Personality: Crush: Courting: Mate: Kits: Kin: Affiliations: Other:


Name: Csilla Age: 4 Years Gender: Female Rank: Boss Desired Rank: Content Appearance:
Crush: See Below Courting: See Below Mate: If there is a Male Boss, it'll be him. Kits: Open Kin: Open Affiliations: Open! Other: