
Soar A Mythological Academy Rp
In a world divided by centuries of conflict, four kingdoms—Eldoria, Nythoria, Valoria, and Drakonia—stand on the hopeful brink of a fragile peace. These kingdoms have been embroiled in wars over territory, resources, and ancient rivalries, leaving deep scars and lingering animosities among their peoples. However, after years of negotiations and a shared desire to end the bloodshed, the visionary leaders of these realms have forged a historic truce, seeking to unite their lands in harmony.
To solidify this newfound peace and foster unity among the younger generations, the leaders have come together to establish the newly founded S.O.A.R. Academy of Flight, a prestigious institutionnestled in the neutral territory of the Skyreach Mountains. This experimental academy is designed to mend broken relationships and prepare the next generation of leaders by training them to bond with the mythical mounts unique to each kingdom: the majestic Dragons of Drakonia, the swift Gryphons of Nythoria, the noble Pegasi of Eldoria, and the mystical Kirin of Valoria.
The S.O.A.R. Academy is not just a place of learning but a symbol of hope and cooperation. The selection process for admission is rigorous, open to the best and brightest candidates from all four kingdoms. These young men and women, chosen for their bravery, intelligence, and potential, will live and train together, learning to understand and respect each other’s cultures and histories. The academy's curriculum is designed to be challenging, incorporating combat training, diplomacy, and the care and riding of their respective mounts.
However, the path to unity is fraught with challenges. Not everyone is in favor of this experiment, and there are those who would see the academy fail. Internal conflicts, old grudges, and external threats test the resolve of the students. As tensions rise, the young trainees must navigate political intrigue and personal rivalries, proving that they can rise above the conflicts of the past to create a brighter future for all.
The S.O.A.R. Academy stands as a beacon of hope in a world weary of war, a testament to the power of cooperation and the belief that the next generation can overcome the divisions of their predecessors. Through their journey, the students of the academy will discover that true strength lies not in domination but in unity, and that the bonds they forge with each other and their mythical mounts can change the course of history.
This is a Large WIP.
Edited at November 10, 2024 05:54 AM by Imperial Sands

The Roleplay Rules Follow All of Eve's and WP's Rules
1. Be Active! Real Life will always come first, but I am looking for an acitivity level of several posts a week. Any inactivity that lasts longer than a week will result in a character being removed unless you speak to me about it in advance.
2. The riders are human, so try to keep their appearances more on the normal side. They do not have any powers or abilities.
3. There are only four different species for mounts as mentioned: Dragons, Gryphons [Any variant of Spelling Accepted], Pegasus/Pegasi, and Kirins [Qilin spelling also accepted]. They do have elemental categories, and fall into one of the four categories of main elements: Fire, Water, Earth, or Air. Follow Each's Guide.
4. There will be a decent amount to read, but I will try to keep it short and sweet so it's not TOO much for anyone.
5. Semi-Literacy is the Minimum for this rp, so please show that in your Rp Posts and Sign Up Sheets.
6. No Perfect Character, Godmodding, Powerplaying, etc. It wont be tolerated.
7. Maximum of 4 Characters per Person for Now. You can only have 2 Mounts and 2 Riders. HOWEVER. You MUST Make a Rider before you make a Second Mount. You do not need to make a mount if you want to just make a rider though. This is to keep numbers more balanced.
8. I reserve the Right to Deny Applications for this Rp. I won't tolerate disrespect or rude behavior if your application gets denied, or your reservation/character get removed due to inactivity. If you do, I won't even give you the option to fix it or return. If you are respectful, I am often willing to work with you.
9. Try to keep things even with genders, it's much more interesting if things are diverse. LGBTQ+ is welcomed and allowed here.
10. Have fun!

Welcome to S.O.A.R. Academy!
Welcome to SOAR Flight Academy, or the School of Order, Alliance, and Reconciliation. It's a prestigious and visionary institution established in the neutral territory of the Skyreach Mountains. It serves as a beacon of hope in a world long divided by centuries of conflict among the four kingdoms of Eldoria, Nythoria, Valoria, and Drakonia. The academy’s primary mission is to foster reconciliation and cooperation by bringing together the brightest young candidates and training them to become future leaders and guardians in the combined realms.
About the Kingdoms
Eldoria A realm of absolutely breathtaking beauty, its landscapes are filled with rolling green hills, crystal-clear rivers, and serene lakes. The kingdom is home to forests and flower-filled meadows, with ancient libraries and grand temples scattered throughout. Eldoria's capital, Luminara, is a city of elegant architecture and tranquil gardens, known for its scholarly pursuits and artistic achievements. The kingdom's natural beauty and peaceful ambiance reflect its values of wisdom and grace. Mount: Pegasus
Nythoria A kingdom defined by its vast, open landscapes and towering mountain ranges. The land features sprawling plains perfect for the swift gryphons that call it home, as well as rugged cliffs and high peaks that challenge even the most daring adventurers. Nythoria's capital, Stormhold, is built into the side of a mountain, offering stunning views of the plains below. The kingdom is known for its adventurous spirit and the freedom of its people, with an environment that fosters agility and independence. Mount: Gryphon/Griffin
Valoria A mystical and serene kingdom, where nature and spirituality are deeply intertwined. The landscape is a harmonious mix of lush forests, serene lakes, and ancient shrines, all imbued with an otherworldly beauty. Valoria's capital, Elysium, is nestled in a tranquil valley surrounded by towering trees and sparkling waters. The kingdom's natural and supernatural harmony reflects its values of purity, peace, and spiritual balance. Mount: Kirin/Qilin
Drakoria A land of dramatic and rugged beauty, characterized by its towering mountains and fiery volcanic terrains. The kingdom is known for its harsh environments, including vast lava fields, rocky cliffs, and dense, mist-covered forests. Drakonia's capital, Dragonspire, is a fortress city built into the side of an active volcano, showcasing the kingdom's strength and resilience. The land's imposing nature and formidable terrain are a testament to the bravery and toughness of its people. Mount: Dragon

About the StudentsThe students arriving at the S.O.A.R. Academy are the elite youth of their respective kingdoms, specifically chosen after an extensive selection process. These candidates are top graduates from their previous educational institutions, equivalent to modern-day high schools, and have been evaluated in a variety of categories to ensure they are the best their kingdoms have to offer. These categories include: Intelligence, Physicality, Leadership, Courage, etc. They are a diverse group of young adults, eighteen year olds, who come from a variety of different backgrounds and upbringings.
Classes Mount Bonding & Care Strategic Combat & Defense History Leadership Survival & Wilderness Training Magical Theory & Application
About the Mounts
The mythical mounts that will possibly choose one the students at S.O.A.R. Academy are powerful, untamed creatures that come from an ancient connection to one the elements of Fire, Air, Water, or Earth. These creatures are not bound by instinct or necessity to choose a rider; instead, they select those they deem worthy, and this bond is one of mutual benefit. Unlike typical beasts of burden, these mounts are unpredictable and independent, possessing minds and wills of their own. They are driven by their elemental nature and are not easily tamed. The bond they form with a rider is not automatic; it is a choice. The mounts come forward when they feel an individual has the strength, courage, and qualities they respect, but this decision is never guaranteed. Each mount’s willingness to bond is based on a deep, personal agreement. The mount’s chosen rider must understand that they are not merely "taming" the creature—they are entering into a partnership, a reciprocal relationship where both parties stand to gain.
The Dragons Dragons are among the most majestic and fearsome of the mounts, and are known to be the most tempermental of the mounts. These creatures vary greatly, from fire-breathing dragons with molten scales to sleek water dragons with fluid grace. Regardless of their elemental alignment, dragons are powerful beings that demand respect. Of all the mounts at the school, there is no mount more likely to kill potential candidates than the dragons. They are independent and temperamental, choosing riders who demonstrate courage, intelligence, and the ability to handle their strength. Only dragons who are adults or young adults will bond with riders, which means the mounts will range in age, for this rp, from 50 to 500 years old, and range in height from 15 feet tall at the shoulder to 30 feet at the shoulder. They are the largest of the mounts. They all have hour legs they walk on, and a pair of wings upon their backs. They cannot be Wyverns, Wyrms, or Amphitheres, which are considered wild creatures that won't bond with humans.
The Gryphons The Gryphons are proud, intelligent, and regal creatures of immense strength and resilience. They are as comfortable soaring through the skies as they are on the ground, their power tied to one of the four elements. Gryphons choose riders who are steadfast, courageous, and capable of handling their raw strength, but above all they value intelligence. They do not have the patience for stupidity, and if they think someone is unintelligent, nothing will turn them away faster. The bond with a gryphon is one of loyalty and respect, as both mount and rider are grounded and unyielding in the face of adversity. Gryphons also live the elongated lifespans, and mature relatively quickly, but not as quick as the Pegasi. For the purpose of this Rp, Gryphons will be 10 years to 400 years. They are large creatures, standing at a out 7 to 8 feet in height at the shoulder, with a pair of majestic, feathered wings. Being a combination of large bird, typically a predatory bird like a hawk, owl, or eagle, and a large cat, like a lion, tiger, or jaguar, they are menacing as they are majestic. Like the Pegasi, do not mistake them for their cousins the Hippogriffs, it will be taken as an insult, and the Gryphons will be deeply insulted. While they get along with their cousins, they do view them as lesser, deeming them as less intelligent.
The Kirin The Kirin are mystical, noble creatures often associated with wisdom and serenity. Their bond to the elements is fluid—they can embody the calmness of water, the strength of earth, the intensity of fire, or the fluidity of air. Their riders must be spiritually in tune, possessing empathy and a balance between strength and serenity. Kirin . Their partnership is based on deep trust and understanding, as the Kirin and rider work together to maintain balance in their world. However, they are very proud creatures, so insulting them will likely get you shunned for life. They seem to be some sort of mix of Deer and dragon primarily, but sometimes even a little horse as well. They are similar to Pegasi in size, and stand between 14 hh and 17 hh in height at the shoulder, with a very elegant and lean build. This tends to make them the smallest of the mounts, but by no means are the weak. Like the other mounts, they also have elongated lifespan, but they age rather slow. They don't reach maturity until about 80 years of age, so for the rp, the Kirin will be between the ages of 80 and 600 years. They are the only mount without wings.
The Pegasi Known for their graceful flight, Pegasi are creatures of beauty and freedom. Their elemental connection can manifest in vibrant and beautiful ways that constantly catch the eye of those around them. Pegasi bond with riders who possess adaptability, quick thinking, and the ability to remain calm under pressure. They are known to be gentle and loving creatures who are easy to get along with, but can be just as volatile when in danger. They resemble normal horses for the most part in build, standing somewhere between 15 to 18 hh at the withers, but also have a pair of majestic wings attached to them that are often feathered, but can be bat-like. Like Dragons, they have elongated lifespans, but age in a different manner. Pegasi mature at the age of three, but can live for millenia. For the purpose of this Rp, the Pegasi will be between the ages of 4 Years and 300 Years. Do not mistake them for unicorns, though, there is a deep seated rivalry between the two, and it will be incredibly insulting to them to mistake them. This means they have no horns!
Edited at November 10, 2024 04:29 AM by Imperial Sands

The Roleplay Roles
The Rider Candidates 1. Reserved for Me 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
The Mounts
Dragons: 1. Reserved for Me 2. 3. 4.
Gryphons: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Kirin: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Pegasi: 1. 2. 3. 4. Edited at November 10, 2024 05:54 AM by Imperial Sands

The Forms
The Rider Candidates
Name: Age: Gender: Kingdom: What Mount Interests Them the Most?: Appearance: Personality: Skills: Strengths & Weaknesses: Crush: Significant Other: Kin: Affiliations: [Friend, Enemies, Etc.] Other:
The Mounts
Name: Age: Gender: Species: Element: Appearance: Personality: Abilities: Strengths & Weaknesses: Crush: Mate: Kin: Affiliations: Other:

Name:Angela Mari Lovren Goes By: Angie, Ang, Mar, or Mari Age:18 Years Gender:Female Sexuality: Pansexual Kingdom:Nythoria What Mount Interests Them the Most?:Gryphons would be her top choice honestly, but she isn't too picky. She just hopes she is chosen by something. Appearance: Credit to Dd Green Belt on Neka.cc
Personality:Scholarly | Intelligent | Naturally Curious | A Bit Reserve | Guarded | A Bit Wary of Others | Loyal | Shrewd | Observant | Particular
Skills:Book Smarts Herbology Dagger Skills
Strengths & Weaknesses: Strengths 1. High IQ 2. Highly Observant 3. Speed & Agility
Weaknesses 1. Physical Strength 2. Durability
Crush:None Significant Other:None Kin:Nope Affiliations:Kind of Open Other:

Name: Age:374 Gender:Female Species:Dragon Element:Air Appearance: Credit Belongs to Tenebris Umbra <3 No Touchy. It's Mine.
Strengths & Weaknesses:
Crush:None Mate:None Kin:None Affiliations:Open-Ish Other: