
Table of Contents Post One - Rules Post Two - Plot Post Three - Roles Post Four - Sign Up Sheet Template Post Five - Threads Edited at September 17, 2024 12:08 AM by Salem
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Rules 1. All of Eve's already made rules should be followed. Click Me! That will lead you to the rules page. 2. You're limited to 2 characters, maximum, to begin with. This might change later on. 3. Do not make characters overpowered. Try to keep them balanced. The supernatural are typically going to be a bit stronger than the humans but not by very much. Try to keep characters balanced in personality and such as well. (No shadow characters, no mary sues and so on) 4. I'm not expecting advanced writers, but I do want a decent understanding of english and at least semi-literate. Activity levels for this RP will be something like a post a week, but no pressure. 5. Reservations will last 48 hours, with no extensions. The role will open up after that time ends so make sure to be quick! 6. Please mark your characters as a WIP. And when they're done, please PM me and remove that mark so I know when to check. Thank you! 7. Don't be petty when a character sheet is declined. I've had players be so petty I had a mod step in </3 Don't make me get a mod, please. 8. Please add a link to an RP example in your other section when you're done so I know you've read the rules! I'd also like to note that rules may change so it's up to you to keep up with them! It won't happen super often but just a warning ❤︎
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Plot Five friends—Muse A, B, C, D, and E—head to a cabin in the woods. While they’re there, A, B, and C notice their phones just disappear. They look everywhere but can’t find them and figure they must’ve lost them. Meanwhile, D and E still have their phones and start getting these weird videos. They show stuff like trees swaying, creeks, and campfires. At first, it seems chill, but then they realize the places in the videos look just like where they are. As more videos pop up, they realize they’re being filmed live, probably by whoever took the other phones. Then weird stuff starts happening—shadows moving, random footprints, and whispers at night. It feels like something’s watching them. The group gets super uneasy when the videos show their campsite and moments they didn’t even know were being filmed. There are these three supernatural beings out there, creeping closer. They’re using the stolen phones to spy on and mess with the group, pulling them deeper into the woods. Edited at September 29, 2024 06:42 AM by Salem
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Roles The Humans - - - - - The Supernatural - - - ❤︎ The supernaturals aren't limited but they must be able to fit the plot and be humanoid. A few options are fae, vampires, werewolves, shadow people, skinwalkers, strigoi and so on. The supernaturals don't have to be friends either. If anyone needs help with a character, feel free to PM me. Edited at September 28, 2024 07:11 PM by Salem
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You don't have to use my own template, but if you don't have one ready it'll make it easier on you. This is my default, * will mark things as optional. (Please either put something or don't put anything for optional) Sign Up Sheet Full Name Nicknames* Name Pronunciation Name Meaning* Gender Pronouns Sexuality* Moral Alignment Personality Temperament* Enneagram Type* MBTI* Appearance Voice & Accent* Strengths Weaknesses Backstory* Fears/Phobias* Favourite Quote Theme Song(s)* Affiliations Other ❤︎ If you skip over MBTI and Ennegram type, please add in a category for personality before or after appearance. Thank you! Affiliations can be marked with TBA if we haven't made it to the discussion thread yet.
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Threads The Discussion Thread ❤︎ The RP Thread ❤︎ Threads coming soon! I can PM you if you'd like to know when one has been made.
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might do a skinwalker supernatural, do u do reservations or no? i can't do a oc sheet right now


ok, can u reserve a skinwalker for me? appreciate it!
