
The Alpha Trials
In a thriving wolf pack known as the Shadow Ridge Pack, the respected and wise alpha senses his time as leader is coming to an end. Having guided the pack through numerous challenges and triumphs, he recognizes the importance of ensuring a strong and capable successor to continue his legacy. With age catching up and no pups of his own to inherit the position, the alpha faces the daunting task of selecting a new leader. Unwilling to appoint a successor without thorough evaluation, the alpha decides to take the Shadow Ridge Pack down an unorthodox path: The Alpha Trials.
This announcement sends ripples through the pack. The news of the alpha's retirement and the impending trials stirs up a mix of excitement, ambition, and anxiety. The pack understands the gravity of the situation—leadership is not just a title but a responsibility that can determine the pack’s survival and prosperity. Ambitious wolves throughout the pack, from seasoned hunters to young warriors, come forward to be candidates in the trials. Unfortunately, as things go, not every candidate has the best or most honest of intentions. Some will do anything within their power to ensure that they end up on top and are chosen at the end to be the future leader of the pack. Even if this means stepping on others to accomplish this. The trials are designed to test various aspects crucial to leadership. There are a total of six trials, each meticulously crafted to evaluate different skills and qualities. The Shadow Ridge Pack's future hangs in the balance as the trials commence, knowing that the future Alpha of their pack will also decide the Pack's own, and what is to come.
The Trials Are As Follows: The Hunting Trial The Combat Trial The Strategic Defense Trial The Tracking Trial The Rescue Mission Trial The Mystery Trial
Enjoy! Edited at September 7, 2024 02:42 AM by Imperial Sands

The Roleplay Rules Follow All of Eve's and WP's Rules
1. Let's try to be Active for this Rp. Both in the Rp Thread and the Discussion.
2. This is a Semi-Literate Rp. I expect Rp Posts to be About 300 Words Per Character. I would like Descriptions for Personality and Appearance to be 100-300 minimum.
3. Stock Images can be used, but Follow WP's rules for it, and the Free to Use Stock Images MUST be from DA for my own Sanity.
4. No Perfect Characters, OP Characters, Powerplaying, Godmodding, etc. It won't be tolerated.
5. No Orphaned Pups, they must have a biological Mother a least.
6. This Rp is Going to be Semi-Realistic to Realistic. So if it's not something a wolf can do, then it can't do it. If you're not sure, ask.
7. I will not be doing reservations. It's first come, first finished, first served. If you finish, but I don't accept it and it needs editing, someone else can take the role you want.
8. Maximum Number of Characters for this Rp is Four [4] per Person.
9. More Realistic Sizes are Required as well, so no wolves over 36 inches in height and over roughly 150 lbs in weight. I also want to see a variety of sized wolves, so if we have all massive ones, I'll stop accepting them.
10. If someone is inactive long enough that I remove them from the Rp, or someone is kicked out, their wolves will be killed off in Rp.
11. Have fun!

About the Pack
The Hierarchy
Alpha Male or Alpha Female This is the Primary leader of the pack. Right now it's the Alpha Male, however a male or female pack can take this rank. This rank is challengable. Lunae This is the Mate of the Alpha, they hlep the Alpha lead and offer aid whenever they can. They function to help keep unity within the pack, but cannot overrule their mate. This Rank is Not Challengable. Betas These are the two wolves [one male, one female] who act as the Second in Commands to the Alpha and Lunae. They enforce the rules and help to maintain order within the pack. They're trained to take over leadership should anything happen to the Alpha. These ranks are Challengable for, and they do not have to be mates, and often aren't. Deltas These wolves [one male, one female] are the Third in Commands of the Pack. They assist in helping to train pack members, and often oversee protection of the pups in the pack. If something were to happen to the Betas and the Alpha, they can take over leadership. These are Challengable, and, again, do not have to be mates, and often aren't. Hunters These are the wolves in the pack that are responsible for ensuring the pack has food. Warriors These are the wolves in the pack that are responsible for ensuring the safety of the pack and it's territory. Scouts These are the wolves in the pack that are responsible for exploring and monitoring the territory. Whether that be helping to scout for hunts, or helping out with patrols,etc. Mothers These are the females within the pack that are pregnant and close to birthing, or have pups on them that haven't been weaned fully. Mothers are all regularly ranked females from one of the above ranks, and will return to their rank once their pups are weaned. Omegas Unlike other packs where these are the wolves of lowest ranks, these are actually wolves between the ages of 1 and 3. They're apprentices, who are being trained for whatever rank they're going into. One of their main responsibilities is to help guard and entertain pups and upkeep the densite. Once wolves hit three, they graduate from Omega to their Adult Rank. Pups These are the pups of the pack who are under a year old.
The Trials
The Hunting Trial Objective: Lead a hunting party to secure enough prey to feed the entire pack.
The Combat Trial Objective: A sparring tournament with other candidates to see which is the most skilled.
The Strategic Defense Trial Objective: Develop and excute a plan to defend the pack from a simulated threat.
The Tracking Trial Objective: Track a designated target through the territory to see who finds and captures it first.
The Rescue Mission Trial Objective: Successfully lead a mission to find and rescue an "injured" pack member.
The Mystery Trial Objective: [TBD] Edited at September 7, 2024 02:23 AM by Imperial Sands

The Available Roles
The Shadow Ridge Pack
Alpha Male: 1. Hanta | M | 9 Yrs | Imperial Sands | Pg. 1
Lunae: 1. Locked for Now
Betas: 1. 2.
Deltas: 1. 2.
Hunters: 1. Edurne | F | 4 Yrs | Imperial Sands | Pg. 1 2. 3. 4. 5.
Warriors: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Scouts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Mothers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Omegas: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Pups: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Non-Pack Roles
Dispersal Wolves 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Edited at September 7, 2024 02:42 AM by Imperial Sands

The Form
Name: Age: Gender: Rank: Desired Rank: Candidate or No?: Thoughts on Who Should be the Next Alpha: Appearance: Personality: Crush: Mate: Pups: Kin: Affiliations: Other: Edited at September 7, 2024 02:44 AM by Imperial Sands

My Old Boi

Name:Hanta; Meaning "Hunter" Age:9 Years Gender: Male Role:Alpha Male Desired Rank:Content Candidate or No?: No obviously. Thoughts on Who Should be the Next Alpha?: Well that's why he came up with the Trials, no? Appearance:
 Credits for All Images Belongs to HOTNStock on DA. These are Stock Images.
Hanta is a male who was more noteworthy in his youth, however, has he's aged, he's more so a meer shimmer of who he once was. Standing at 31 inches, the male was never incredibly tall, but even as he's aged, there's been a grace to him that made up for his lack of size. While his stance is much more hunched now, with shoulders and head sagging, pride replaced with humble loneliness, there lingers a bit of his former nobility. In his prime, Hanta was never a bulky creature, instead having a lean physique built for hunting and chasing. Nowadays, he holds that same leaner physique with just a bit more thinness to it, only weighing about 83 lbs. He would weigh more if he ate larger meals more regularly, but lately he's preferred to let the pack eat more and take a smaller share.
Age has long since caught up with the male, demonstrating it's grasp in not only his personality, but in his body as well. Where toned, ropey muscle used to lay, taut with anticipation of up coming months, it now lays looser, clinging to his body as if he would fall apart without it. He no longer holds the same strength he used to, though he isn't necessarily completely weak either. But it's evident that the male can't keep up with younger wolves well. His strength has ebbed, his stamina depleted, he gets much more worn out than he used to.
Now he moves around like a ghost, unnoticed by the land, but seeing all. His coat doesn't help make him seem any more than a figment of someone's imagination either. With his fur almost completely greyed out to white, the male's alabaster coat allows him to flit from place to place without often being seen when it's snowy. He was once a dark gray wolf with a pelt of the deepest charcoal, but now, with age, the male has turned into a white wolf. The only reminder of his previous color lies at the base of his fur, giving him light grey markings along his back, shoulders, and flank. His eyes, though, are a gunmetal grey, and while they are dull and foggy with age, there is sometimes a spark within them that bring them to life.
Personality:Calm || Collected || Wise || Kind || A Bit Reserved || Friendly & Social || Lonely || Big Sad A Lot || Quiet || Intelligent || Open Hearted When Comfortable || A Bit Too Trusting || Old Grandpa Vibes
TBA Crush or Courting:None Mate: None; She has been deceased for about a year. Pups: None Kin: None Affiliations: WIP; Open Other: Old Boi

Name:Edurne Age:4 Yrs Gender:Female Pack:Shadow Ridge Pack Rank:Hunter Desired Rank:Alpha Female Candidate or No? Yes. Thought on Who Should be the Next Alpha? She'd prefer it to be herself, of course, but as long as it's someone who is fair, just, and intelligent; someone who will do right by the pack she is willing to accept them. Appearance: Credit Belongs to Lakela on DA. This is a Stock Image.
While not the largest of wolves, nor the most formidable, in the pack, she is a rather daunting creature in terms of her intensity. Standing at 33 inches at the shoulder, and weighing about 112 lbs, she is a decent sized female who can go toe to toe in most fights. She's rather a balanced female, able to maintain good stamina or endurance when needed, with an output of strength and agility. She isn't the strongest, or the fastest, nor the most agile, but she can contend with most in either category.
Noticeably, Edurne has a coat that is pure white, though it doesn't always appear that way sometimes. During the winter, her coat looks like the same snow that dusts the earth. However, it's easy to stain and make dirty, meaning she often has mud on her paws, or dirt in her coat, letting her sometimes appear grey or tan. During the months where the ground isn't showered in snow, her pelt tends to seem more cream in color, and that just because of the sun no longer reflecting on the snow, and the constant different dyes from the earth rubbing off on her fur. Due to this she likes to keep herself relatively well groomed, often ending or starting her day with a grooming session.
Edurne has a vocal tone that is a little lower in octive, having a warmth and power to it that often make it so she commands attention easily and holds it too. Her eyes are a dark amber color, a very dark gold that seems to glimmer in the reflection of light. She also has her own set of scars, most noticeably the one on the top of her head. It starts at the top of her right on near the inside of it, and curves upwards in an arc to the base of her right ear. It's pretty thick and easily seen, but not worn in shame. Received from a gore from a bull elk during a hunt when she was youngers, she wears it more like a badger of honor than anything.
Personality:Serious | Determined | Strategic | Driven | Resilient | Dauntless | Reliable | Practical | Intelligent | Patient | Inquisitive but Cautious | Puts the Pack First
Naturally a very serious creature, Edurne takes nothing for granted. She's highly keen on exploring every option before deciding on a route, and even then is liable to have a backup plan or three prepared just in case. Her serious and practical nature shows just how patient and meticulous can be, always seemingly having everything planned out. It causes her to come across quite intense, especially with how driven and determined can be. She's absolutely relentless when she wants something, pushing herself, and others, to the absolute maximum to acheive her goals. It can be almost scary, intimidating really, when she sets her mind to something.
Edurne is a wolf that can be relied upon. She can be predictable in her routine, and likes things to stay how they are. She isn't a big fan of change, but she's at least adaptable to allow it when necessary. She's also got intelligence on her side, able to think through things to try and avoid mistakes. Does it happen? Of course. However, she tries her best to lead the pack down good paths. She always tries to do what is best for the pack.
The polar wolf is a deeply loyal creature, caring for those close to her. She can come off a little aloof or indifferent, perhaps even cold, to those who don't really know her. However, that frosty exterior is just her demeanor when leading, she's truly a compassionate creature, and that can be seen subtly in her actions. Outwardly, she's more attentive to those she's close with, affectionate with them openly, and even loving. She isn't a wolf to feel shame, so she isn't the type to hide how she feels in any capacity.
Crush:None Mate:None Pups:None for Now Kin:Maybe Open Affiliations:Open Other: Yip Yip

Name: Wraith Age: 5 Years Gender:
Rank: Warrior Desired Rank: Alpha Candidate or No?: Yes Thoughts on Who Should be the Next Alpha: Them. Only them. Appearance:

╔⊶⊶⊶⊶⊶✞⊷⊷⊷⊷⊷╗ Basile ╚⊶⊶⊶⊶⊶✞⊷⊷⊷⊷⊷╝ •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────• "Even if you were a flower. I wouldn't pick you." •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•  •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────• Full Name: Basileios Shortened Name: Basile Name Meaning: Royal, Regal, and Kingly [Greek/French] Nicknames: The Weird Flower One, King of Floral •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────• Age: 2 Years, 9 Months Rank: Omega Desired Rank: He doesn't care which rank he ends up in. Candidate or No?: Him in charge of a whole pack? Yeah, that's an absolute no. Basile cares more about flowers than anything else. Thoughts on Who Should Be The Next Alpha: ??? •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────• Appearance:

WIP •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────• Personality: Sarcastic ☾ Shiftless ☾ Relaxed ☾ Childish ☾ Airy ☾ Absentminded ☾ Casual ☾ Breezy ☾ Laidback ☾ Unmotivated ☾ Easygoing ☾ Chill ☾ Lazy ☾ Mellow Basile's personality makes it harder for his packmates to take him seriously. He's often described as childish and hard to work with - someone who doesn't seem to care about anything involving work. He cracks jokes, even at the worst times, much to the annoyance or anger of everybody. This doesn't help as he creates weird or silly nicknames for others, even if they don't want one. Have you snapped at him at one point? Well, congrats, your nickname is Snappy. Fell into a muddy puddle once? Puddles would be your new identity. Basile has quite a sarcastic streak and is not afraid to use it, especially when it comes to annoying his Vala. His tongue is sharper than his teeth, preferring to annoy his opponents first before engaging them. That, or it'll only motivate them more to fight him. During pack meetings, he would be in the back of the group, rolling things around with his paws or staring at something more engaging. With his lack of attentiveness, he would forget things and have to be reminded consistently by Vala what. His lack of focus leads him to be given fewer assignments and other trusted tasks due to his consistent errors. Basile could be seen lounging beside the big border at the west side of the main camp or beside the riverbed outside the camp. If he were to receive a job, he would still do it but don't expect much from him, as mistakes are bound to happen. At least no one has to worry about them being challenged by him, as he's the most unmotivated wolf you'll ever meet. Basile isn't ambitious, nor does he care about joining the pack. In all honesty, he would prefer sticking to the rank of Omega. It's not that he loves the rank, considering he would have to babysit, but he endures it as it means he won't have to do more difficult tasks like the warriors, hunters, or scouts. He's the go-with-the-flow kind of guy. If there's nothing he can do about a problem, he'll go along with it. This makes his loyalties be questioned many times, but it's hard to say if he's loyal or disloyal to the pack. On one hand; he makes no moves to challenge others and follows along with the plans of his superiors, but on the other, he makes no visible effort to benefit the pack. •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────• Crush: Hmm, open. Mate: Open. Pups: Nope. Kin: Vala [Adoptive Sister; Alive] •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────• Affiliations: Vala | "Green Eyes" | Adoptive Sister | Neutral Vala is his older sister through adoption, with Vala's parents finding and taking in Basile when he was a mere pup. However, they didn't form a sibling connection like their parents expected. They're neither friends nor enemies, only viewing each other as acquaintances. Basile doesn't hate his sister but doesn't like her either. Still, that doesn't stop him from annoying the living Hell of her. He refers Vala as "Green Eyes" to get his daily dosage of entertainment. Secretly, he looks up to Vala, but his admiration is something he won't openly admit. Open, PM me •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────• Other: Huge WIP. I'm still recovering from my illness so it'll be a bit. <3 Both images are credited to EternalOcean @ devianart.com Edited at September 7, 2024 08:11 PM by Cereal

╔⊶⊶⊶⊶⊶✞⊷⊷⊷⊷⊷╗ Vala ╚⊶⊶⊶⊶⊶✞⊷⊷⊷⊷⊷╝ •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────• "I tolerate you as long as you're not annoying like my brother." •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•  •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────• Full Name: Vala Shortened Name: Vala Name Meaning: Chosen One, Prophetess, Seeress [German] Nicknames: Green Eyes (Basile), The Raven Lady •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────• Age: 3 Years, 6 Months Rank: Warrior Desired Rank: Content Candidate or No?: Depends. Thoughts on Who Should Be The Next Alpha: ??? •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────• Appearance:
 WIP •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────• Personality: WIP •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────• Crush: Hmm, open. Mate: Open. Pups: Nope. Kin: Basile [Adoptive Brother; Alive] •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────• Affiliations: Basile | "Annoying One" | Adoptive Brother | Neutral WIP Open, PM me •─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────• Other: Huge WIP Both images are credited to castlegraphics @ devianart.com Edited at September 7, 2024 07:46 PM by Cereal