
*optional Form: Full name: Age: Faceclaim/appearance: Gender: Sexuality and pronouns: Species: Desired role: *Cult (if any): Strengths: Weaknesses: Likes: Dislikes: Powers: *Short backstory (please write a blog if longer than a paragraph): Roleplayer name: Pack number: Extra: Edited at August 6, 2024 05:27 PM by Nightstalker

Form: Full name: Jaslene Danita Morningstar Age: 6,847 Faceclaim/appearance: Maite Perroni / long wavy black hair, amber eyes, and curling black horning. Always wears black. Gender: female Sexuality and pronouns: homoflexible & she/her Species: Fallen Angel Desired role: High Priestess of The Scarlet Temple *Cult (if any): The Scarlet Temple Strengths: Magickal prowess, fighting Weaknesses: Bright lights, churches Likes: Lucifer, her cult, heavy metal, rock n roll Dislikes: Heaven, Taylor Swift, and the color pink Powers: summoning, fire control, telekinisses *Short backstory (please write a blog if longer than a paragraph): n/a bc im lazy Roleplayer name: Blake Pack number: #314183 Extra: Lucifer's love interest

Res Lucifer and werewolf.

Form: Full name: Jackson Lucifer Age: 17 apperance, 3000-ish for real Faceclaim/appearance: Tall, very tall. Messy brown hair, bright blue eyes. Gender: Male Sexuality and pronouns:
Straight, He/Him Species: Dire Wolf (Prefers his human form.) Desired role: Lucifer *Cult (if any): Scarlet Temple Strengths: Strong, shifting, diplomatic, recalling random songs Weaknesses: Bugs, cats(He gets creeped out) Likes: Peanut butter, dogs, snacks Dislikes: Cats, getting a song stuck in his head Powers: Shifting, *Short backstory (please write a blog if longer than a paragraph): Roleplayer name: Bobcat Pack number: 903644 Extra: WIP!!!!! Form: Name: Alexandra Wolff Nickname: Alex Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Age: 19 Role: Pristess of scarlet temple Power: Werewolf Appearance: Credits go to picrew-- Elena-Illustration - Alex is a tall young woman with long brown hair and gray eyes. Her left eye happens to be slightly darker than her right. Flecks of dark, almost black line the inside. Dark green glasses frame her eyes in a way that say look at me. She has pale skin that has a very small bit of tan. A tiny amount of freckles line her nose, but a fading as the year moves on. Alex walks with confidence and pride. Her voice strong and demanding. She may be young, be she is not scared. One draw back to her beauty, is she has a scar along her forearm and up her arm to her collar bone. The origin will be reviled, eventually. As for hight, standing 5'10", she is pretty tall. Yaeh, tall. Alex tends to dress in dark gray, maybe some dark blue. Also, sneckers. Nothing else. Barefoot or snecker foot. A muscular frame sets off her string bean build. Fast on her feet, there is a good chance you will have a bloody nose if you tangle with her. Personality: Alex is a kind person who is protective of those she loves. Although she can get pretty spunky when annoyed, that rarely happens. She is a go with the flow character. Alex is a smart individual with a troubled past. It will be reviled later in the RP. Because of that, she is socially awkward and protective. She has not been around many people and does not want her friends to have to go through the same. She also happens to be a little clingy from that experience. A little sassy, she tends to speak before thinking. This leads to her coming off as rude. But if you get to know her, you will find a friend who will stop at nothing to make sure you are okay. Physically or mentally. She is slightly theiran, which ties into her power. Shifted, she is more brave and daring, there is nothing she will not do. Beside ask her crush out on a date. You will end up with "Woodoo yoo goo moo daatoo" Likes: Dragons, Fighting, wolves, protecting, veggies Dislikes: Spell check not working, Baths(Showers are fine, but baths), loneliness, people judging her, Did I mention spelling? Strengths: shifting, protecting, and calming people down Weakness: shuts down when lonely, limited shifts, social awkwardness, gets motherly when friends are sad or hurt Back story: Umm... Home schooled through 8th grade. First year in 9th. Loves it. Has been in her martial art school for 7ish years now. Maybe more. She lost count. Afflictions: Qpen Crush: Open Other: I write in first person, I am using a character from another RP. Extra: Edited at August 10, 2024 08:03 PM by Bobcat

Bobcat said: Form: Full name: Jackson Lucifer Age: 17 apperance, 3000-ish for real Faceclaim/appearance: Tall, very tall. Messy brown hair, bright blue eyes. Gender: Male Sexuality and pronouns:
Straight, He/Him Species: Dire Wolf (Prefers his human form.) Desired role: Lucifer *Cult (if any): Scarlet Temple Strengths: Weaknesses: Likes: Dislikes: Powers: *Short backstory (please write a blog if longer than a paragraph): Roleplayer name: Bobcat Pack number: Extra: WIP!!!!! Form: Full name: Age: Faceclaim/appearance: Gender: Sexuality and pronouns: Species: Desired role: *Cult (if any): Strengths: Weaknesses: Likes: Dislikes: Powers: *Short backstory (please write a blog if longer than a paragraph): Roleplayer name: Pack number: Extra: WIP!!!!
This is great, as soon as you've finished you're welcome to join :)
