
A New Dawn
The past several months for the Dawn Herd have been, well, difficult to say the least. After running off their Lead Stallion due to his increasingly dangerous behavior and poor decisions, the herd has been under the sole leadership of their mares. With no stallions to protect them, their Lead Mare has taken it upon herself to fill both roles. They knew this couldn't last forever though, no herd can last forever without at least one stallion within it.
As the beginnings of summer approaches and foals begin to drop, lone stallions looking for a herd of their own come crawling out of the wood works. The herd is not against finding a new Stallion to take up their helm, but the scars of their previous one has left them a bit wary and jaded. Their torn between wanting to protect their new foals, and wanting the stability that comes with having a stallion or two protecting them.
As the rains threaten in the distance, the herd must ban together to do what is best for them all, or divide beneath the pressure of their differing opinions.
This is just a new, basis little Horse Rp because I wanted one. Edited at July 17, 2024 03:53 PM by Imperial Sands

The Roleplay Rules Follow all of Eve's and Wp's Rules
1. Be Active. Self Explanatory right?
2. No Perfect Characters, Godmodding, etc. Won't be tolerated.
3. No Orphaned Foals or Yearlings, they must have a mother. When you reserve one, you must already have found a mother.
4. Drama in Rp is Encourged and Allowed. But Only in Rp.
5. Maximum of 4 Characters Per Person for Now.
6. I want to see horses of varying sizes. If I see too many stallions that are 18 hh, I will decrease the height I accept. 7. Keep in mind horse gestation and whatnot when making the yearlings and foals of a horse. If a mare has a foal that is 3 months old, the yearling cant be any younger than a year and 2 months since gestation for a horse is 11 months.
8. It's highly unlikely I will be allowing twins in this rp. It's far to rare, and usually ends up with a foal or both and/or mom dying.
9. If I think of more, I'll add them. But for now put your favorite horse movie in other.

Roleplay Information
As mentioned, the Dawn Herd ran their Lead stallion of several months ago after he repeatedly put the herd in danger with his decisions or actions. This was not a decision made lightly by the herd, and not everyone was on board, but the majority agreed it was necessary. For the past several months the Lead and Deputy Mare have lead the herd, with the Lead Mare taking up the responsibility of protecting the herd due to being a larger sized mare.
As the season of foaling has comes around and stallions look to increase their herd numbers or have a herd of their own, the Dawn Herd knows they'll be targets due to their lack of any stallions in their herd. They are hesitant to let just anyone take the role of Lead Stallion, but it's likely to become something that is necessary.
There will be several roles available in this Rp both in the herd and out.
Herd Roles:
Lead Mare Deputy Mare Herd Mares Yearlings Foals
There is no current Lieutenant or Lead Stallion, as the Lead Stallion ran off his Lieutenant a few months before the Herd Ran him off himself.
For the Roles outside fo the herd there will be:
Bachelor Stallions Former Lead Stallion Former Lieutenant
Im not currently planning on there being any Lone mares in the herd, but I might change that later. I'm not sure yet.
The Roleplay will start at the beginning of the Foaling season, which takes place a couple of months before the heavy rains come. Part of the Dawn Herd's range will become a dangerous, swampy bog land that is extremely dangerous to both adult horses and the young, but especially the young. If they want to avoid being permanently forced in the swamplands, the herd will need the additional protection of a stallion or two. If the herd doesn't want to accept a stallion, they will have to brave the swamplands and come to terms that it may be at the detriment of their own foals and lives.
In this Rp, you have full reign over what you want your mare to want. Does she want to stick with the herd no matter the decision? Or is she adamant about sticking with a stallion? Does she want to bond with a stallion and become a Lead mare? If so, will she try to take some of the herd mares with her or start anew? This is supposed to be a very trying time for the herd, so I want to see a variety of desires and opinions.

The Roleplay Roles
The Dawn Herd
Lead Mare: 1. Atiena |F | 6 Yrs | Imperial Sands | Pg. 1
Lead Stallion: 1. Lock for Now
Deputy Mare: 1. Ninahta | F | 5 Yrs | Tenebris Umbra | Pg. 2
Lieutenant: 1. Locked for Now
Herd Mare: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Yearlings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Foals: 1. Hawthorn | M | Unborn | Imperial Sands | Pg. 1 2. Xanthi | F | 3 Mths | The Bewitched | Pg. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Non-Herd Roles
Bachelor Stallions: 1. Socrates | M | 5 Yrs | Imperial Sands | Pg. 1 2. 3. 4.
Former Lead Stallion: 1.
Former Lieutenant: 1. Edited at July 24, 2024 08:04 PM by Imperial Sands

The Form
Name: Age: Gender: Herd: Rank: Desired Rank: Appearance: Personality: Crush: Mate: Foals: Kin: Affiliations: Other:
In other, put their goals, opinons, etc. For the herd, do they want a stallion, or no? What do they want for themselves. If a Stallion, what are their goals? Steal a couple of mares? Take over the herd? Etc.

Name:Atiena Meaning "Guardian of the Night" Age:6 Years Gender:Female/Mare Herd:The Dawn Herd Rank:Lead Mare Desired Rank:Content. Appearance: Credit Belongs to Alla-Equi on DA. This is a Stock Image.
Atiena is an almost shocking mare to lay eyes upon for the first time. She's goliath for a mare, standing at 17.1 hh, which almost seems unnatural for a female equine, but Ati comes from a line of large sized mares. Often mistaken for a stallion, Atiena is a formidable creature to come across. She has a muscular physique, as since she hasn't mothered too many offspring, she still has a muscled leanness to her instead of the roundness of a more seasons mare. With large hooves, powerful legs, and her distinguished figure, Ati has always taken an active role in the defense of her herd wheneber necessary, and doesn't shy away from violence or danger.
The large mare is also easily identified for her her appearance. With a coal black coat, without the speck of another single color on her, her coat seems impervious even to the sun. Void like in color, the mare sports a true black coat genetically, with a long, unruly mane and tail to match. She has a bit of feathering almost on the back of her hooves, but nothing too noticable, something seen as pretty standard for wild horses. Her eyes are a dark, dark brown, and can often be mistaken for black in certain lights. Ati's vocals are low, and while they're usually warm, they can absolutely turn cold and dangerous.
Personality:Serious | Elegant | Dignified | Strong Willed | Confident | Stubborn as a Mule | Imposing | Noble | Scathing | Acerbic | Critical | Mordacious | Decisive | Determined | Unwavering | Emphatic | Steely | Unyielding | Unrelenting |Fierce | Reliable | Intense | Compassionate & Passionate | Thoughtful | Perceptive | A Bit Impatient at Times | Motherly | Helpful to Others | Deliberate | Direct | Unconventional
Crush:None. Mate:Would likely be considered the Lead Stallion when they find one. However, Atiena doesn't really believe in mates currently. It would take quite the stallion to truly steal her heart. Foals:Her Foal this Year is Hawthorn. Hawthorn's father is unknown to the herd, as, with his coat it's unlikely to be the Lead Stallion, but Atiena has been known to choose her foals sires based on perceived strengths and not rank. Open for a Yearling. Possibly Open to a Two Year Old. Kin:Possibly Open Other: Atiena was a driving force when it came to over throwing the former Lead Stallion. She is going to be notoriously picky about who gets to try a claim on the herd, as she is content to continue defending the herd as best she can. Edited at July 17, 2024 03:55 PM by Imperial Sands

Name:Hawthorn Age:Unborn [For Now, May Change] Gender:Colt/Male Herd:The Dawn Herd Rank:Foal Desired Rank:Lead Stallion Of Course! Appearance: Hawthorne is a cute, unique little foal. He's a bit on the smaller side when born, but he shows promise of growing to be around his mother's side, though likely will end up a little bit shorter, and will top out around 16.2 and 16.3. However, he will be a rather stocky foal as he ages, becoming stout and kind of compact over time. In truth, when he's an adult stallion in his prime, he will be a sturdy and stout figure, built for strength and power instead of grace and nimbleness. Hawthorne's strength will come from being sturdy and steadfast, a stallion reliable even from a young age.
Unlike his mother, though, Hawthorne is considered a bay dun in color, having a tannish base coat color, with a black dorsal stripe, primitive leg markings, and a black mane and tail. However, what stands out the most is his unique coat. One of his parents evidently carries the curly gene even if they aren't visibly curly themselves. This has allowed him to present as curly, with a coat that is longer than normal, and curls to create a rather fluffy colt. His eyes are a dark, warm brown, similar to his own mother's. Credit Belongs to SalsolaStock on DA for all Images. All Images are Stock Images.Personality:Quiet | Playful | Well Mannered | Respectful | Obedient | Mama's Boy | A Little Adventurous | Brave | Friendly | Delightful | Innocent | Naive | Just a Good Lil Man
Crush:None. Cooties. Yuck. Mate:None Foals:Absolutely Not. Kin:Atiena is his mother. Other: I love him


Name: Socrates Age:5 Years Gender:Stallion/Male Herd:None Rank:Bachelor Stallion Desired Rank:Lieutenant or Lead Stallion Appearance: Credit for Both Images Belongs to MSFotografie on DA. These are Both Stock Images.
Socrates is an impressive stallion, though most are, and stands about 16.2 hh total in height, perhaps a smidge shorter. He has the muscular physique of a male equine in his prime, and boasts the years and experience to back up his powerful figure. With the help of physique and his coloration, Socra could be considered a rather flashy looking stallion, and he's not ashamed of it.
At first, many mistake Socrates for being a black horse that is greying out. However, this would actually be incorrect. A closer look at his coat reveals the primitive markings on his legs, and the dorsal stripe down his back. Technically, if color is classified as a Smokey Roan Grullo, which, when broken down is a Black Roan with the Creme Dilution, and the Roan Gene. This combination is what lets him look like a black horse, which he is, that is greying out, which he is not. He doesn't mind being called Grey, though, as he knows it's what he resembles, and the combination of genes genuinely look grey. The dappling to his coat certainly doesn't help either.
True to his genetics, Socra has a black mane and tail that are long and unruly, often tangled in appearance and in need of grooming. His eyes are a dark smokey color that seems to fit his appearance.
Personality:Calm | Level Headed | Intelligent | Quick on His Feet | Quick Thinker | Adaptable | Solitary | Rather Peaceful | Protective | Assertive | Usually Easy Going | Not Overly Talkative | Loyal | Humble, But CAN Be Cocky/Showy When He Wants
Crush:A Few Mares Have Caught his Eye Mate:None Foals:Potentially Open? Kin:I might Consider Other: Socrates isn't really the type to try and force his dominion over a herd, instead he'd be more likely, and interested in, stealing a few of the herd mares and forming his own, small band.

Name: Löwen Pronunciation: Low-ven . ——:-- ♥︎ --:—— . Age: 5 Years Old Gender: Mare/Female . Herd: The Dawn Herd Rank: Herd Mare Desired Rank: Lead Mare- she wishes to leave and start her own as soon as possible. . ——:-- ♥︎ --:—— . Appearance: . Personality: Quiet | Sweet | Reserved | Loyal Till A Fault | Empathetic | Good-Natured | Reliable | Romantic | Generous | Hardheaded | Stubborn | Secretive | Hardworking | Optimistic | Motherly | Curious | Understanding... To An Extent | Intelligent/Wise | Elegant | Graceful | Honest/Blunt | Opportunistic | Friendly | Introverted | Protective | Silently Judgmental | Overthinker | Cautious | Strict When Need Be | Trustworthy | Humble | Impatient | Open-minded | Neat | Flexible | Tidy | Spunky At Times | Careful, Especially With Words | Youthful | Confident | Willing | Agreeable | Gentle | Level-Headed | Good Listener | Quick Witted | Kind . ——:-- ♥︎ --:—— . Crush: None. Mate: Her beloved. The sire of her current foal and a bachelor/lone stallion. Open! Pm me :D Foals: Open for one 3 month old. [ Open ] . Familial Relations: None that she knows of that are in the herd. Possibly open. Other Affiliations: Open for close friends, possible enemies, etc! Pm me! . ——:-- ♥︎ --:—— . Other: A wip <3 Edited at July 18, 2024 02:42 AM by Wiltshire

Sure! I'll add the reservation :) Wiltshire said: May I reserve a Herd Mare?