
Table of Contents Post One - Table of Contents Post Two - Plot Post Three - Rules Post Four - Roles Post Five - Sign Up Sheet Post Six - Threads & Other Info Edited at July 17, 2024 06:36 AM by Salem
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Plot Experiments. Everyone knows about these, most likely from conspiracy theories. A long time ago, just about 18 years ago, one such rumour was floating around. In said conspiracy theory, they said that the government was turning people into zombies. Then, a year later, it evolved into the government taking them and just testing how long someone could go without water, sunlight, sleep—basic needs, you know. It went around and around in circles. The only thing certain was that four subjects had been taken, and there was never any coverage of it except for the families saying their child went missing. In this RP, you are these missing subjects. You've been given a new name, not your birth one. You've been pitted against other children and even some adults. What the government was actually doing was training you up so that they can mix you with some magical enhancements to be warriors, stronger than anyone can imagine. You are the last five, and you've been moved to the Stillwater Institute. Nobody except the government officials and workers there know about you. You are only now meeting the other four subjects. How will it go? Will you all break out? Are your powers for good or evil? Let's see.
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Rules ♱ I expect all of Sixbear (Eve)'s rules to be followed. You can find them by scrolling down and clicking "Game Rules". ♱ Hate the character, not the player. ♱ Aim to post once or twice a week. If you need to leave, please say so in the discussion thread or PM me. ♱ I don't mind what literacy level you're at, as long as you can write more than a paragraph, have a good understanding of English, and can give us all something to reply to. ♱ No controlling other characters, only the player can control their own character. And while we're on the subject, don't make your characters a shadow/hero. Keep your characters as even as possible! ♱ Reservations will last for 24 hours, with an extension of 12 hours if needed. PM me. Nobody can reserve for you, do it yourself. ♱ Don't be petty. If you get declined, you clearly didn't do something right. I'd be happy to give you tips, but don't be petty about it. ♱ Please PM me once a character is done. I also require you to mark it as a WIP, but some people leave the mark up so I can't tell easily. Please just PM me once it's done ^^" ♱ Please put "Hosta" in your other section so I know you've read all the rules. And have fun!
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Roles Subjects 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Reserved for Salem
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Sign Up Sheet Name Nicknames* Gender Sexuality* Pronouns Role Species Appearance (Min. 8 Sentences) Personality (Min. 8 Sentences) Likes* Dislikes* Strengths Weaknesses Fears Quotes/Theme Songs Affiliations Other ♱ If you see * it means optional! Either fill it out or leave it blank/off the sheet. You can use your own sheet, and personality I love much more detailed ones but this is my most basic one I can give ya. As we go into the RP you'll probably need to update this with abilities but I'm not sure what should be available so we'll work on that in the discussion. Please PM me any questions. This goes for everything about this RP.
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Other Info Here, this is where you should go when you see a forum related to this RP has been made! I bet you're wondering where the "Extra Details" are. I usually include them but I'm trying to keep this super simple and open to world building so any extra details will be worked out and agreed upon in the discussion thread ^^ Threads Discussion Thread ♱ RP Thread ♱
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