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"Keeper Of Keys" in Hawaiian
4 years old
Pack Reputation:
A sweet and respectful female that is a pleasure to be around. She works her tail off to keep everyone in their greatest health. She does keep a social butterfly persona to be on good terms with everyone that is around her. She is a mother to everyone and will give advice to anyone who needs. She rather save a life then destroy.. But don't take her as a weakling. Her words are her weapon.
Desired Rank:
Thoughts on Newcomers?
Kahlia does what needs to do. Make sure they are healed and in the best shape in her ways. She has to. Though in her mind that they are another mouth to feed. She sees them as bottom feeders that have no idea of the their heritage and how wolves have to survive. Though she won't fully say it until the time is right.

A cleanly kept pelt of light grey flowed in the wind, the pattern of a husky, but the colors dulled until they were nothing but very light grey and starch white. Though she is no husky and very much a well kept she wolf. Her fur being sleek and shiny that curls at the ends do to humidty in the caves. The contrast of the piercing sky blue that were her eyes was unimaginable. The tall, lean frame revealed toned muscles which derived from hours of gathering herbs. Her frame reaching about 27 inches tall and weighing about 100 pounds at flat. Her long wispy tail was seen as graceful and of high quality. her ears, while soft, were not perfect her right ear features a nick from getting punished for mixing herbs. but nevertheless, she stands tall and graceful, calm minded. It is often said that her beauty is hiding something more, that her kind loving eyes hide a certain sadness behind them. She has nasty scar from an attack that happened with a packmate due to a sad death that she could do nothing about. It is across her left side of her face. It starts from behind her ear and down to her muzzle. A large claw mark to remind her of a tragedy that she faced that broke her in two.
Her aroma can come off strong and devouring as her days spending gathering herbs have mixed in to her pelt. She has her aroma more overpowered with rosemary and mint as it has more strength of fragance than others. But she will dabble with other herbs that can give her a more overpowering stench of peace and relaxing scents that could make a wolf fall in love under her smell. Though she keeps herself trying to smell more relaxing and clean, it can also mix when her job is at her highest with blood, death, or an illness. Though she is very quick to try to get rid of the nasty stench that plagues everyone's surroundings.
Her voice is warm and soft. Very much like butter that warms up your soul. She has a way with words to make everyone feel queasy and happy inside. She has a way with others to feel more relaxed and calm when she is speaking due to how her calmness and gentle voice. Though when she is angry or upset it is very low and edgy because uncommon for her voice to be not beautiful and enchanting to others around her.
She has been known to have flowers into her coat to help soothe her skin with her high skin sensitivity with the heat of her den.

)need a better a reference my avatar is her)
This she wolf is a level-headed and polite mannered to everyone. She is very remotely to laidback and chill with everything, but her job. She takes her role of the pack seriously and not a joke to anyone. Her work ethic is not for her own personal gain, but the pack's. Her life is obligated to be the protector of everyone's life. Kahlia is a patient, but stern she wolf with her patients as she doesn't like for mistakes or problems in the future. Though she does not tolerate with foolishness and horse play when it is needed.
She is intellingent and wellspoken around her peers and young folk to show her respectful nature. Her demeanor is often relaxed and calm even if she is angry in the inside. Kahlia is knowledgeable and advice giver as she knows in this pack someone needs to have shoulder to cry on. Her trustworthy and loyalty is unmatched with her ability to die for what she is needed to do. She is a motherly to everyone as her job has permitted to have her own. Kahlia is a social butterfly to get to know everyone on a friendly basis. She does have no real mean bone in her body, maybe like 6 mean bones.. She is very insightful and empathetic she wolf that easily bonds with others.
Though Kahlia does not waver from telling how it is. She does not like when other's take their way. She will tell a great lie or she will give the ugly truth. She is not afraid to speak up of what she thinks is right or wrong. It may be glazed around with her porper and intellect words or cold and venomous to others. She never hides behind her thoughts. She will voice them if her heart tells her to do so.
Her loving nature is what makes her a great pack healer and her selfless actions. Though she may be a cool and collected, but she can be a little judgemental. Though she has to be in her job and has to be observant and resilient to be make her job better than it is. She also can be very flustered if a male flirts or tries to impress her as she knows her duty is not be swayed and well she is a workaholic. She usually stays nice and finds an excuse to leave immediately.
Though Kahlia is a sweetheart and loving nature in the pack that no one usually messes with her. She is very well liked or atleast respected. Kahlia often is a social butterfly and is needed and busy all the time. She does find having a little alone time to keep her sane and atleast happy. She is known for her happiness and overall motherly aura, but is it really what she is or portraying for others. A she wolf that makes others happy, but is lonely in the inside.
The Youth
Unneccessary Bloodshed
Cowards/ Chickens that run away when things gets tough
wolves more than 10 years old sick (Elders that die)
Bad Fighter
Self Doubt
Sensitive Skin
Taking too much in workload or emotions
Maybe for a forbidden love or not.. If apothecary cannot take a mate or have kin
no <3
Familial Relationships:
I learned that it may be theory or information the wolves try to mate with a wolf with opposite pelt colors for protection. Like a lighter she wolf to mate with a darker pelt male wolf.