Activity Level: 7-8/10
link to roleplay example: HERE
"I'm no different from any other self-serving pest here. At least I have the stomach to say it."
Name: Sentinel
Age: 4.2 years
Gender: Male
Scent: White Willow Bark (Wintergreen)
Appearance: Sentinel is a distinctly brindled golden-tan brute with faded black fur wrapping his pelt in streaks from head to tail. Shadowy silver tipping along his chest, tail, ears, back and forepaws give him an exterior as if he's beginning to become one with the mist around him.They speak to his rigid, elusive nature. His sterling-silver gaze is riddled with a well-practiced glower that softens for almost no-one.

"I'm not sorry that I did it, I'm sorry you found out from someone other than me."
Sentinel is about as blunt and self-serving as a leech afloat in the water. The day he began prioritizing himself, he never stopped. He is the one to give himself the first bite of the meal, to bare his teeth for the most comfortable basking spot and to puff out his chest when confronted. He masks as some kind of cold and unfeeling creature so that he can escape the fate of being responsible for every last wolf he comes across.
This brute gladly turns his eye to injustice if it doesn't involve him, and he'll hang on to the pettiest of squabbles, but at the end of the day he's a large, intimidating soul. His mere presence is enough of an advantage to tolerate his unempathetic persona.
"Don't ask for my opinion if you wanted a lie."
Beneath the mask he wears is an anxious, worried individual who regrets each scathing remark or snap of the teeth he offers, but he refuses to put himself back into a position of vulnerability.
Intimidation - His large structure poses as threatening to many, making it easier to strongarm his way through a puffed chest and harsh word than an actual alteration.
Self-Sufficient - His ability to seek out meals and avoid predators means he's not usually the one to need saving.
Villainously Stubborn - He will do whatever needs done to serve his agenda, and go as far as he needs to go.
Self Serving - His selfish intentions will often lead him to deny helping if there isn't something in it for him, or something to lose if he doesn't.
Hypocritical - With the above in mind, he takes it to heart if someone won't stick out their neck for him, even though he blatantly wouldn't do the same.
Doesn't believe in loyalty - Loyalty is naivity in his eyes. If you do what he wants, you're a pushover. If you don't, you're an enemy.
Physical weak spot - There's a spot with little fur on the left side of his lower stomach that is very sensitive, and he protects it fiercely
Emotional weak spot - No matter how much he doesn't like an individual wolf, put a freshly dispatched quail in front of him and he is willing to hear ANY proposal.
Crush: N/A
Mate: N/A
Kin: His parents, the alpha of the Northeast Pack, are Juniper and Racer. He has five other siblings- Cottonmouth, Wasp, Ginger, Lavender, and Crow. His name used to be Gecko until they saw his striking eyes for the first time, and renamed his adequately as a protector.
Ever since his stone cold gray eyes had opened for the first time, Sentinel was doomed to be a protector. The largest of his siblings, he sought what others had- to be the biggest and the bravest meant he was in line for great things. However he learned early on that wasn't the case. His puphood was spent tirelessly picking up after his siblings' mistakes. Whether it be a slip-up in a hunt, a misspoken word, Sentinel was the unspoken fixer. And so he became resolute to his role out of the spolight, content with being a support beam instead of the star.
As his siblings grew older and left the pack behind to start their wild adventures, he found himself hesitant. The pack was everything he knew, and he just told himself to wait 'til next month. Wait until the packs' bellies were all full, waight until the last pup had weaned, wait until he found a sign that he wouldn't be riddled with guilt the second he chose himself over the rest.
But that moment never came. and he spent month after month as just another mundane packmate, just another four paws to hunt and just another mouth to feed, until finally the alphas sat down with him and gave him the ultimatum- choose a mate and become a Beta pair, or hit the road. So off he went, for better or for worse.
Affiliations: Open to Discussion
I will edit this for typos/formatting or to alter certain information