

Rules 1. This will ideally be a long-term role play, so if you join I'm expecting you to join for the long haul. So I expect a rather nice actually level, I understand that real life comes first, I just would like to be informed if something comes up beforehand. 2. This will be a Literate RP. I am hoping for at least 400 words per post as a minimum standard. And of course proper grammar is a given, but I would just like for you to write as much as possible so we can keep this RP going. 3. LGBTQIA+ Characters are welcomed, and if have a problem with that then this ain't the RP for you. Flirting, kissing, and making out are allowed of course, just make sure to keep it to Eve's Guidlinws - same when it comes to violence whether it be a character death or a fight. 4. I am the RP Master, so what I says goes . I control the weather and events and if you have any ideas - run them by me first. Also I am the one who has your characters fate in my hands. I also will not tolerate OOC Drama. 5. You Are Allowed 2 Chaarcters 6. This RP is highly character and plot driven. So please don't join just to not contribute to this, that's no fun at all. Your character can and will get killed off and replaced if you are inactive for an extended period of time. 7. Reservations last for 48 hours and you may only reserve two roles at a time. The reservation doesn't start until you actually post and begin working on the forms. You will be allowed to have 2 - 12 hour extensions if needed to complete a form, otherwise the spot will be open for someone else. 8. No OP or Mary Sue, Weeping Willow's , Gary's or any characters of the like. 9. I understand that backstories are fun and giving characters angst and tragedy makes them spicy, but come on - not every single character needs a sob story, but also please don't anyways make your characters have the best or perfect life. Happy middle class families are nice to hear about. But also be creative with this. 10. Have Fun !

The Avaliable Roles The Town Mayor Reserved By Me The Town Sheriff Open The Deputy Sherrif Open The Police Force 1. 2. 3. The Residents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( Unlimited ) The Easilington Private Prepatory Academia Of Excellence Students 1. Reserved By Me 2. 3. 4. The Whale's Point Public School Students 1. 2. 3. 4. The Newcomers - The Husband Reserved By Mother - The Wife Reserved By Me - The Twins Open Open - The Younger Sibling Open Edited at June 8, 2024 10:38 AM by Spellbound

The Form Name: Age: Gender: Role: Occupation: Financial Status: Your Reputation Within Town: Thoughts On The Murders & Disappearances: Appearance: Personality: Strengths & Weaknesses: Likes & Dislikes: Familial Relations: Relationship Status: Crushing On Or Currently Courting: Significant Other: Children: Affiliations: Other:

The Notice Board • All Children Must Be Between The Ages Of 15-16, Since This Is A Small Town, The Kids Would Be Similar In Age. This Is Excluding The Newly Moved In Family As They Have A 12 Year Old Kid. Edited at June 10, 2024 08:56 PM by Spellbound

Did not see WIP. Ignore . Edited at June 12, 2024 05:48 AM by Bobcat