
Rules - All WolfPlay rules apply.
- You can have up to 2 characters for now. This number may increase if not a lot of people join.
- No perfect characters! Everyone has flaws and weaknesses.
- Try to write at least 2-3 sentences in each reply. I won't be too strict about word count.
- Please write at least 3 sentences for personality and appearance.
- Hate the character, not the player.
- No godmodding (controlling other players' characters).
- Try to join only if you'll be active! If you'll be inactive for some time, please PM me!
- Your own characters can't be mates. This will provide more opportunity for players to roleplay with each other.
- This isn't a hyper-realistic roleplay by any means, but reading the rat info and taking it into account will really help this feel like a rat roleplay!
Edited at May 26, 2024 05:53 AM by Starlight Serpent

Plot The city is a big place, and many colonies of rats have carved out homes here. But now the humans want them gone. The colony is threatened by traps, poison, humans hiding food from the rats, and even stray cats and trained dogs as the humans try everything they can to drive rats out of the city-- or kill them all if they have to. Can you and your colony survive, or will you all be wiped out by the humans' efforts? Edited at May 26, 2024 05:47 AM by Starlight Serpent

General Rat Info - A rat colony is run like how people thought wolf packs were: It is led by an Alpha, the most dominant rat with the most confident personality and best leadership qualities, but not necessarily the biggest and strongest. Second in command are 1-4 Betas. The bulk of the colony are Gammas, who may have their own dominance hierarchy but are generally docile and easygoing. Some colonies may have Zetas, which are like omegas in a wolf pack, except Zetas generally don't face cruel treatment, and just avoid the Alpha and Betas.
- Wild rats excavate a burrow system. The rats in the roleplay live in building walls, but could inhabit trees or the ground if necessary. They have special chambers for raising pups (baby rats) and storing food. Nests are lined with newspaper, paper towels, leaves, or any other soft material.
- Wild rats will spend their time digging, foraging, and scanning the area for threats. But rats are also highly playful and social animals! They spend a lot of time grooming each other, and they also cuddle and share food with each other. They also chew a lot to keep their front teeth from growing too long, and play fight with each other.
- Well-travelled foraging routes will have scent trails marking the way.
- Wild rat colonies can get BIG, sometimes having over 150 individuals! This number greatly reduced in the roleplay because of human pest control, but don't be afraid to mention large crowds or use NPCs!
- Though fancy rats (domesticated rats) are different from wild rats, you can use fancy rat varieties in this RP for the sake of the characters not looking too similar. If you're not familiar with fancy rat varieties, I'd highly recommend looking some up! They can be really beautiful and interesting!
- Rats forage for nuts, fruits, seeds, vegetables, and the occasional bit of carrion in the wild. City rats eat lots of garbage and pet food, introducing more meat into their diet. Rats especially love grapes, sourdough bread, and french fries. On occasion they will catch bugs, and in rare cases, mice.
- A pet rat lives to be 3-4 years old, but their lives tend to be on the shorter side in the wild.
Edited at May 23, 2024 03:03 PM by Starlight Serpent

ROLES Alpha (1/1) Matilda (Bobcat) (Page 1) Betas (0/3) Gammas Honey (Starlight Serpent) (Page 1) Zetas Edited at May 27, 2024 06:04 PM by Starlight Serpent

Sign Up Form Name: Age: Gender: Variety (optional): Rank: Appearence: Personality: Strengths: Weaknesses: Likes: Dislikes: Kin (optional):

Name: Honey Age: 6 months Gender: Female Variety: Fawn Variegated Rank: Gamma Appearance: Honey is named for the light honey brown color of her fur. Her head and shoulders are fawn. Her body is mostly white, but her back is dominated by three fawn splotches and a lot of fawn spots between them. Her cheeks and the bottom of her snout are white, and she has a small, drop-shaped white spot on her head. Her round ears, round nose, feet, and tail are bubblegum pink, yet to dull with age. Her snout is short and round, and her fur is soft and fluffy, yet short. Personality: Honey is kind, affectionate, gentle, and caring. But she is also shy, quiet, and submissive, to the point of being a bit of a doormat. However, she can summon a bit of courage in defense of her friends. When around rats she doesn't know very well, she has a bit of a stutter. Strengths: Good with pups, can recognize traps more easily than some Weaknesses: Fighting Likes: Snuggling with others, pups, peace Dislikes: Loud noises, chaos Kin: (Open)! Other: She would like to be a mother someday. Edited at May 26, 2024 05:51 AM by Starlight Serpent



Name: Matilda (Tilly) Age: 7 months Gender: Female Variety (optional): No clue Rank: Alpha Appearence: Light brown rat with snow white paws. Dark brown eyes give a knowing expression. She has a lighter tail tip and a white belly. I have a ref picture I will add on Tuesday. Personality: Sweet little girly. Tilly is very confident and proud. Her protective nature is only one of the many reasons she is the alpha. Some more is her willingness to help others, and a sense of loyalty. Strengths: Swimming Courage Bravery Protectiveness Weaknesses: Anger issues She was a runt Weakness for aged parmesan cheese Likes: Aged parmesan cheese Snuggles Company, most of the time Refered to as Alpha 'popcorning' (jumping up and down in popcorn shapes. Look it up.) Nicknames Dislikes: Disloyalty Helplessness Wet bedding Kin (optional): Open to a mate, pups, future pups, parents, did I say mate? Either my rat Tilly, or her sister Bell. Edited at May 27, 2024 06:34 PM by Bobcat

WIP Name: Alice Age: 6 months Gender: Female Variety (optional): No clue Rank: Beta Appearence: Personality: Strengths: Being sneaky Brave Navigating sewers Running Weaknesses: Swimming People Mouse traps Poison Likes: Raiding Stores Cuddles Sometimes talking to other mice Dislikes: Swimming Greedy mice Traps Poison Kin (optional): Open Also open to mate. Pm me