
"Do you see it?" "See what?" "Your potential." "... no." "Don't worry, you will soon." ---- The voice is still ringing in your head as the dream--or perhaps vision--fades. Your potential? For a demigod, that could mean.... a lot of different things of course. However, waking up in the barest bones of a hotel room was probably not what you had in mind at first. The bubbling of a fountain and the chirp of birds breaks through the door. All is silent. Eerily silent. You are here. But where is here? What else is waiting? ----- This is a roleplay based on Greek mythology! It's generally easier to keep it to one mythology so that everyone has a chance to figure things out. Your characters are demigods of Greek gods (who have/will have kids. No, you can not have a character who is the demigod of Hestia/Artemis/maiden/virgin/etc deities.) who have ended up in the hotel. They've all had the same sort of dream/vision and now get to try and figure out what that means. -------- Links Discussion Roleplay: TBD Edited at March 10, 2024 09:27 PM by Zeraphia
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Rules: 1. Semi-lit. So, a good solid paragraph, enough to keep the story going and give people stuff to reply to. 2. Hate the character not the person. IC drama? Yes. OoC drama? Absolutely not. 3. Be active! If not, just let us know in the discussion! Life happens, we understand. 4. Pg-13 y'all. Keep it within the limits of the WP rules. 5. Don't be OP with abilities. WE'll get injured, we'll throw hands, etc. be fun! 6. Put your favorite flower in other! Mmh flowers. 7. For now, let's go with 2 characters per person, just so we don't have too many at once. 8. For the most part, your characters probably won't know each other. 9. Only one demigod per god. If Hades has a demigod, he has a demigod. 10. No reservations. First come first serve. ----------------- Character Sheet: Pack Number: Name: Age: (16-24) Gender: Godly Parent: Appearance: (Describe your character, as best you can at least. If you want to LINK to an art piece that follows WP rules, sure! But to keep things from being image-heavy, just a link.) Personality: (I totally understand that writing out personalities is hard. Just a simple thing will do if you need) Strengths & Weaknesses: Other About: (If you have any other notes, tidbits or things that you want us to know about the character, this is the section for you!) Edited at March 9, 2024 09:59 PM by Zeraphia
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Character Roster: - Stellan Westfield // 23 // Zeus // 85543 - Rayanna Green // 17 // Apollo // 287711 - Lucius Zeller // 17 // Zephyrus // 85543 - Beaudan Haataja // 19 // Aphrodite // 292725 - Laika Vellairs // 17 // Athena // 304085 - Hadus // 18 // Hades // 305623 - Pleione Aelia Amaral // 18 // Hemera // 294878 - Thalinna Evangeline Morrigan // 22 // Thanatos // 159210 - Asterios Judas Morrigan //22 // Thanatos // 159210 - Irvin Connelay // 23 // Hermes // 262542 - Dimitri Molotov // 20 // Demeter // 130239 - Maximillian Cantacuzéne // 23 // Phoebe // 232782 Edited at March 18, 2024 12:13 AM by Zeraphia
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Full Name: Stellan Aldrin Westfield Age: 23 Gender: Male Godly Parent: Zeus
Appearance: Stellan stands about 5'10", give or take 1/4th of an inch. His skin is relatively warm colored, but pale. It helps the long scars along his face almost blend in. The freckled skin seem to help his faded blue, mostly grey, eyes sink in. With a subtle hair color that is best called dirty blonde, with more dirt than a blonde sheen to it. His hair curls in waves, looking like a weird mix between a Roman statue and some sort of messy hair. Despite his some-what tall height, Stellan has a somewhat lean build. His shoulders are broad, thick even, but he really lacks the usual muscle build to make them pop out from the rest of him. He shows up wearing a red T-shirt, jeans and red All-stars. Personality: The most simple way to describe Stellan's personality is a budding leader. He'll take the charge and has a lot of ambition. Stellan takes the lead when a set leader is often not found. But, even if there is one, he tends to offer help. He might not willingly take the leadership position right away but he will show his skills. This is mostly to make sure he has a place within the group. Stellan's personality tends to shift just slightly when he's with a different group. He tries to stick around people, refusing to stay alone for long. He wants to be included, wants to feel like he has a place and--for the most part--like he is someone. But, Stellan is awfully well known for his patience wearing thin rather quick. While he can try and keep his temper down, it often goes off and he just tends to explode. Stellan keeps his emotions down, he hides them, and will try to think through them (poorly) until he can't figure out how to tell them to someone else. Oh, he refuses to tell anyone else. He helps others, he just doesn't do the talking to others. He'll hide it. But he latches onto others rather quickly with the idea that if he can help them heal, somehow, that will make him better. His past and everything will just casually disappear. (It won't.) Strengths & Weaknesses: - Stellan is calm. He remains calm no matter what is thrown at him, stress wise. But as much as it is a strength, it also comes with a weakness. He just doesn't care enough to get worked up over stuff. - Strength-wise, Stellan manages to carry a subtle strength behind his build. It's lean but sturdy. It isn't too strong but he can fit in different and somewhat odd places... ish. Stellan isn't really flexible. - Charismatic grins? Check! Stellan has this way of just talking his way out of situations, he can bring up a white lie--a believable situation or excuse. That, of course, is also a weakness in and of itself. Crush: not saying he has a type but blond, thick and tall? Oh that's his type. Other: - Stellan doesn't usually talk about his background, he might reference it in odd jokes and passing remarks but he will not tell you anything about it straight up. Even if prodded. - When given the opportunity, he will throw himself in front of others. Stellan has 0 self preservation. - He will insult you and do it cleverly. Will it get him in trouble? Absolutely it will. Does he learn? Hasn't yet, probably won't. TH Link Edited at March 9, 2024 10:00 PM by Zeraphia
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Pack Number: 287711 Name: Rayanna (Ray) Green Age: 17 Gender: Female Godly Parent: Apollo Appearance: She is a dirty blond with dyed highlights of blue, pairing nicely with her brown eyes. Her skin is tan, but littered with freckles on her cheeks and arms. She’s short and wiry, not really built to fight. She wears lots of green and blue clothes, preferring hoodies, t-shirts, and jeans. Personality: She’s normally quiet and kind unless you annoy her. Although after warming up to someone she is more open and chaotic, but also a little clingy. Strengths & Weaknesses: She has healing power from her dad and can heal injuries and illnesses, but it costs her physically and she can overuse it. She also gains some strength from sunlight, improving her health and what not. She can not bring back the dead or heal mortal injuries, and if she tried it could result in her own death. She does get attached to people a little too easily and disregards her own safety and well-being for others. Other About: My favorite flower is a yellow rose i think! ^^ I might come back and add to the discription because I think it's a little lacking-


Pack Number: 85543 Name: Lucius Zeller Age: 17 Gender: Male Godly Parent: Zephyrus Appearance: Lucius is a rather sturdy young man. His vibrant blue eyes tend to stick out just slightly from the rest of him. His golden blond hair shines in the sunlight and matches his fair skin. Lucius doesn't seem to have many, if any, scars at all. His shoulders are wide but not as broad as some. There is a good amount of muscle on him and, the most startling feature, the bright white wings. This brings his height from 5'10" to at least a good head taller.
Personality: Lucius tends to be rather calm, much like a fair and calm spring breeze. His demeanor rarely shifts and if it does, it fades away soon after. He seems tired, perhaps a little grumpy at first but pleasant most of the time. Strengths & Weaknesses: - Lucius can fly. That's a strength. Yeah. He can fly. - Ability wise, he doesn't have much. Sure he can summon a breeze, maybe make it rain just a little bit... but other than that? Nope. Nada. Just the wings. - he tends to zone out a bit, seems a little spacey and in his head. Other About: Appearance Link (c)85543
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Pack Number: 292725 Name: Beaudan Haataja~ Beau Age: (16-24) 19 Gender: Male Godly Parent: Aphrodite Appearance: Beaudan stands at just under 5'9. He's built lean, with a smooth sleeper build. His skin is often mostly tanned, but he suffers from very slight rosacea. He has bright blue eyes that often remind people of the Italian sea, and vaguely longish brownish-blond hair, which he considers his pride and joy. He has slightly feminine features, with high cheekbones, and pinker lips. He normally dresses in athletic clothing and sweatshirts, though he has an unfortunate tendency to dress like a country club boy on some occasions. Personality: Beau often comes off as a bit of an over-confident, bratty boy, but deep down, he's normally very sweet. He is sarcastic, and easy-going. When he finds someone he likes, he is fiercely loyal, almost in an obsessive way. Beau likes drama, whether he's part of it, or hearing it through the grapevine. He thrives off physical touch. Strengths & Weaknesses: Strengths: VERY charismatic and persuasive, good at putting people at ease. Thanks to his mother, he is also very good at matchmaking and can also induce feelings of affection.
Weaknesses: Beau is a perfectionist, and it takes a while to gain his trust. Other About: (If you have any other notes, tidbits or things that you want us to know about the character, this is the section for you!) Georgia Teasing Rose Crush: Open, he's bi, so have at him Edited at March 10, 2024 02:32 PM by The Tea Drinkers

we don't really have reservations, it's just first come first serve.
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Ok cool, I'll just do it now then :) Zeraphia said: we don't really have reservations, it's just first come first serve.