
If you name is not above do not respond to this

Edited at July 28, 2024 03:02 PM by white tail

Alr,I might use Mika/mimi since its a fxm<3

Savik was lost and alone he hadn't been lucky with hunting. he went to a nearby lake to drink some water, he didnt smell any wolves nearby but he felt like he wasnt alone. he kept looking around at his surroundings"maybe im just going insane" savik thought. he finished getting a drink and started to look for a nearby cave for shelter.

Mika,wandered aimlessly along the work out path,she was frail,lost and alone.wolves surrounded her or she thought,hallucinations appeared again and again,the only one she could remember was there her new found friend,it was like her guardian angel,she hopped up into a tree branch shuddering at a thought that popped into her head, 'he isn't dead,he isn't dead,not just yet,,' "hi yin,what are you doing here,who have you brought with you this time?"

savik stops in his tracks and looks around he had been startled by the unknown wolf "whos there? show yourself!" Savik growls his teeth are showing he was right he wasnt alone, he caught the scent of the wolf and started following the scent.he felt uneasy he didnt see the wolf they had spoke "show yourself now!"

Mika whimpers s and hides deeper within the tree,she did not like the sound of this new wolf,growling,teeth bared a clear warning to whoever meets this unknown wolf,she was startled by his presence quite the demanding fellow,luckily yin was still there staring at this wolf,could this wolf see him?

Savik takes another step and the ground under him colapses and he feels something clamp down onto his leg and he tries to pull his arm out but he cant and he yelps in pain. he hears a crack as the trap colapsed on his paw.

Mika drew back afraid, "since when was that there.." she thought,Mika was just along the same path a couple minutes ago,that never happened before

Savik imidiately stopped growling if he was going to get help he cant scare the people able to help him away. Savik layed down and sighed "is anyone there? im sorry for sounding agressive i was just startled" Savik looks around and notices something in a tree"hello?"