
ET - Sighhhhh I gotta start writing down their entire backgrounds for every piece I do then </3 LMAO. They do have really cool designs though, you can clearly see how many shrooms a day the priests took to create them LOL But yeahhh I gotta start having infographics or something, this cannot be 😤
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Polar I'D READ IT I SWEAR. Please make infographics omg,, I'm so down for all of that 10/10.

Gotta start citing sources and shit </3
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Favorite breed of cow and favorite wolfplay artist?


Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Whispering Snow said: Favorite breed of cow and favorite wolfplay artist?
Oooh favourite breed of cow.. I love aurochs! Though, they're extinct so I suppose their selectively bred replacement, which I don't think have a name yet. Here's some information on them though as part of the tauros programme! As for my favourite WP artist, I couldn't possibly pick! :0 There's such a huge variety of artists and designers on WP that I couldn't possibly just pick one.
The Dragons Heirs said: Top 5 favorite gear?
Oooh this is a hard one - I honestly don't use or buy a lot of gear! I really like the first angel wings, the white ones. I use the black leg wraps a lot too.. The geode flank is one of my absolute favourites too! I also like all of the swords and daggers :] I can't remember enough off the top of my head to list 5 though </3

Oldest wolf still alive? (By like... actual date pfft) What were your first thoughts when getting picked as a forum mod? I don't think I've ever asked that one and I'm curious. :3
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What advice can you give someone who wants to become a mod?
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Zeraphia said: Oldest wolf still alive? (By like... actual date pfft) What were your first thoughts when getting picked as a forum mod? I don't think I've ever asked that one and I'm curious. :3
Ohh,, probably Apollo LMAO. I did have a wolf that I was warrior stoning non stop a few years back, but I let them die earlier last year </3 So now it's this guy! Soon gonna be on IRL year old https://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=4721918 Also god, I can't honestly remember as it was pretty long ago! I do have the PM from Eve saved. I found out pretty much when everyone else did - it was certainly quite exciting :] Exploring all the new buttons and mod features was pretty neat! :D The Reaper said: What advice can you give someone who wants to become a mod?
Honestly, there's one tried, tested and true way and that's to just keep applying whenever applications open. Most of the mods who have come and gone have applied several times. I think I applied four times.
Whilst I could say other things like making sure you're familiar with all the rules, filing reports for things you see that a rulebreaking etcetc, I think that stuff is probably pretty obvious! :0 I wish I had some better advice, but that's about it LOL. I don't see mod applications opening for a good while though, it's all up to Eve in the end.
