
Game Moderator Darkseeker
We try to, but jobs and life get in the way. There's a mod roleplay somewhere in the abyss of the Fantasy forums. I know Aven, Deer, and I occasionally have art shops crop up here and there.

StarshinePack said: Is it fun being a moderator
Certainly at times. Other times, not so much. XD It's absolutely worth it knowing that I'm helping keep the forums up and running smoothly.
My job is mainly going through artwork, so if you consider checking images fun, then yeah. :)

Wolves of Dc said: Do you guys do anything other than mod and wolf stuff on wp , like art shops and roleplays and such?
I try to do my art shop for sure, but modding is more important to me. There is currently a mod role-play we are working on slowly, and we like to explore too. We do enjoy doing the normal WP activities. :)

Do you all have pets? If so, what are they and how is he/she called? :3

Do you guys every get really annoyed when someone makes a mistake? Like if it is the 30th mistake you've seen within the hour?

Game Moderator Neutral
The Wolfcry said: Do you all have pets? If so, what are they and how is he/she called? :3
I've got two dogs.
Bear, who's my service dog. She's a four and a half year old uniquely colored goldendoodle. Her color is a blue, though her parents were a pale cream golden retriever and a white poodle. She was pitch black as a puppy, and slowly turned blue as she grew.
She's an amazing companion and a outstanding service dog for me. When she was still a puppy, around two months to three months after we brought her home, before she had begun her service dog training, she was actually preforming service dog tasks, and once even alerted me a minute or two before I blacked out with a sharp stabbing pain in my temple. My mom, semi-reluctantly took me to the doctor after I came to, stumbled into her bedroom and told her about it, but after the doctor visit she was extremely glad we went. It turned out I had gotten a concussion several days before and didn't realize it and hadn't put all the other symptoms that I was having together before Bear had alerted me to it. http://image.ibb.co/cHsFLx/41182_B0_D_FC1_D_430_A_97_AC_1418_B04_E2_C54.jpg http://image.ibb.co/ePpy7c/85377_C79_F7_F1_45_C5_AC5_E_1_B7_D5_D6_BAF63.jpg Puppy picture(taken the day we brought her home): http://image.ibb.co/ktEn0x/F461_FC3_B_63_F6_42_E3_853_C_B28_ED1_F41_A1_E.jpg
Kirby, who's more of my Mom's dog, is a Shih Tzu. We're not exactly sure of his age, but he's somewhere around nine to eleven. We don't quite know his story before we found him either. He was running around the front of the middle school my siblings and I used to attend when we were that age, he came right over to us and we waited with him at our car for around thirty minutes to see if his owner would come up to us but no one did so we took him home and tried to find his owner. After a couple months of no one claiming him, we decided to keep him. http://image.ibb.co/hVGWtH/49350_FE9_098_F_4_E0_B_93_D0_B283_AA9_FAA28.jpg http://image.ibb.co/kRC4DH/6_D2_E0594_B5_F4_4_E08_A6_CF_C3_D1_F5_B7_C5_ED.jpg Edited at February 28, 2018 01:51 AM by Destinations End
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Game Moderator Neutral
Path of Stars said: Do you guys every get really annoyed when someone makes a mistake? Like if it is the 30th mistake you've seen within the hour?
I wouldn't say really annoyed, though of they've made mistakes/broken the rules that many times in an hour, it hardly would qualify as a mistake at that point. Sometimes, I'll admit, I can get annoyed at users who repeatedly break rules on purpose and do it constantly, and/or argue and fight when we remind or warn them to stop breaking the rules, but even then it's few and far inbetween, but I can get slightly annoyed by that at times, normally moreso when they constantly try to argue and intentionally cause drama and fight with us when we tell them to stop.
But not all the time; for me personally it'll take a lot to make me annoyed at users.
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Were any of you surprised to find you were picked by Eve/SixBears to be a mod?

They look wonderful! What are your hobbies?

The Wolfcry said: Do you all have pets? If so, what are they and how is he/she called? :3
Three dogs and a cat.
Sebastian is a lab husky mix Fara is a rotty, German Shepherd, Lab mix Roxy is a German Shepherd blue healer mix And Rolo is my cat... not sure her breed.
Path of Stars said: Do you guys every get really annoyed when someone makes a mistake? Like if it is the 30th mistake you've seen within the hour?
I guess it depends really. If it's the same person, then it's NOT a mistake. If it's different people, it's easier. :)
I can get a little annoyed at users trying to cock an attitude towards me for sure, but even then it's not AWFUL. It's not an easy task to mkae me literally "annoyed" at a user. A Light in the Dark said: Were any of you surprised to find you were picked by Eve/SixBears to be a mod?
A little. :)
The Wolfcry said: They look wonderful!What are your hobbies?
I train dogs and do agility, as well as do artwork, make dog collars and sew. :) Edited at February 28, 2018 10:27 AM by Aven