
posting it here as well because i can question of the day: what keeps you in this game? do you play any other games like wolfplay? what is better here than anywhere else? i personally love wp because it was my mental support back in late middle school. i was pretty lonely but the game kept me busy and i also enjoed making up my own wolvish stories here. it was about 5 years ago, tho. my old account is now gone yet here i am back and active again

i've been playing for over 7 years and every time i stop playing i get genuine withdrawals. you may take the girl out of wolfplay... but never the wolfplay out of the girl...
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most of my life nobody really had the same interests as me, and i had to sit and watch them talk about things i didn't like. then i started wolfplay and well, i found so many amazing people who liked the same things as me and i've never felt more at home. honestly, the friends and memories i've made her are the best i've ever had. i wouldn't change it for anything.

Hehehe... okay. I feel only slightly obligated like I ought to reply considering my almost nine years here. If that doesn't make me feel old-- I think the thing that really drew me in initially was the concept. The fact that I could just play it and it was new at the time and everything. I really learned how to actually roleplay from WP (back when the forums were a different site) and the community really sealed it in for me in sticking around. Between the fantastic and memorable(and iconic) roleplays, the fun chatting, the artists that just help each other get better at art and are so supportive of each other, it becomes a sort of community that makes it better at the end of the day. For sure, the community aspect of it. There's no other site that feels like WP.
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Game Moderator Neutral
I'm on here because I love the game and the community.
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Wolves, the community, and just the game in general. for years I was searching for wolf games and this was perfect

This is exactly the same senario that I had Devil town said: most of my life nobody really had the same interests as me, and i had to sit and watch them talk about things i didn't like. then i started wolfplay and well, i found so many amazing people who liked the same things as me and i've never felt more at home. honestly, the friends and memories i've made her are the best i've ever had. i wouldn't change it for anything.

I'm here because a friend recommended it to me. That friend plays very rarely but I made my own friends here and I can't just leave 'em. The game part of the game doesn't interest me anymore though but I still like pretty wolves ^^"
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Truth Devil town said: most of my life nobody really had the same interests as me, and i had to sit and watch them talk about things i didn't like. then i started wolfplay and well, i found so many amazing people who liked the same things as me and i've never felt more at home. honestly, the friends and memories i've made her are the best i've ever had. i wouldn't change it for anything.

I came from a website that had Wolfplay listed as a animal breeding game, and stayed for the wolves