Feel Free To Shoot The OCs Any Questions! Velvet Glow Species: Dragon Type: Wyvern Gender: Female ---------------------------------------------- Questions that have been asked - Do you breathe fire? - What color are you? - Who's your mom? Galama Species: Dragon Type: Double-Winged Wyvern Gender: Female ---------------------------------------------- Questions that have been asked - Do you breathe fire? - Do you have siblings? Edited at December 2, 2023 11:59 PM by Frostyhills24
Both: Do you breath fire velvet grow: what color are you galama: do you have siblings velvet grow: who's your mom
Nesta said: Both: Do you breath fire velvet grow: what color are you galama: do you have siblings velvet grow: who's your mom
Velvet's Answers Q: Do you breathe fire? A: No I do not, instead I spit a glowing Acid! Q: What color are you? A: I am a mix of Dark pink, Hot pink, and velvet red. All my coloring is based on shades of pink. Q: Who's your mother? A: Unfortunately I do not know, but I was raised by my aunt Urimenor! Galama's Answers Q: do you breathe fire? A: Yes, I do! Unfortunately, my fire is so hot that it burns my mouth to use it. My fire is blue, one of the hottest known to mankind. Q: Do you have siblings? A: Not that I know of at the moment! I might get some in the future. Edited at December 2, 2023 11:56 PM by Frostyhills24