
Time for me to repay >:) Who out of your ocs are a guilty favourite for you? Do you have a dream car? :0 Certain model or brand or stuff like that? If you're to choose, cowboys or pirates? How's 89 doing? ;) Would you rather have permanent 10 cm nail extensions on your toes or 20 cm on your fingers??
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
The Reaper said: Pretzel? 🥨
I love pretzels an unholy amount you have no idea I bought some just the other day and I am buying more as soon as I can holy fuck I love pretzels give them all to me
Polargeist said: Time for me to repay >:) Who out of your ocs are a guilty favourite for you? Do you have a dream car? :0 Certain model or brand or stuff like that? If you're to choose, cowboys or pirates? How's 89 doing? ;) Would you rather have permanent 10 cm nail extensions on your toes or 20 cm on your fingers??
oh my god, that first question,.. AGH. It's Apollo. It's still Apollo. He always has been my guilty fave and always will be. He's going to be an OC I've had for 10 years next year! :0 old as hell. He's not exactly a great guy, a lotta complexities going on but y'know,, he's an alcoholic with manipulative tendencies, come on now 😭Eternity and Apollo's dynamic is my absolute favourite. Oh god, some of the demons too. There's contract fuckery and so much other just,, bullshit going on there. Anything with mild ethics violations are my guilty favourite </3 Dream car-? Nooo. I actually know very very little about cars and have very little desire to. All I want is something that's easy/cheap to maintain and is small/easy to park. I don't feel the need for anything fancy, just something cheap and convenient! Dream car is something that doesn't ever break down B) THAT IS SO HARD. I like horses, y'know? But I have no attachment to the wild west or anything, it's never been a genre I'm into. So I suppose saying that, I'd have to pick pirates! 86 has one thing to say to you: [yes, yes, I'm sure some firearm aware person will come and say you shouldn't hold a rifle like that but do you really think 86 cares </3]  [c]157083 EUGH. God. Ew just thinking about that makes my skin crawl. All I can think about is like,,, not even being able to wear shoes-?? So I guess I have to go for the 20cm fingernails but like?? Then I wouldn't be able to type,, So maybe back to 10cm toenails? I think that'd disrupt my life less but I hate it I hate it Polar why </3

Knew it ✊ but it's so fair, Apollo my beloved. Also the ethics violations part.,, same BAHAHA The car part is very real though cause same, I just kinda got something to keep me on the road and be pretty cheap at the same time hehehe Oh god I'll have to watch my back now Sometimes in life, you have to make difficult decisions 😔
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What was the most time consuming artpiece you have done? So how long did it take for instance?
And was doing art something you started off young as a hobby or did you first start learning this/discovering this talent as an adult which led you to study concept art and such at Uni?
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Forgets to reply cutely art on this post is mine :]
Polargeist said: Knew it ✊ but it's so fair, Apollo my beloved. Also the ethics violations part.,, same BAHAHA The car part is very real though cause same, I just kinda got something to keep me on the road and be pretty cheap at the same time hehehe Oh god I'll have to watch my back now Sometimes in life, you have to make difficult decisions 😔
Every answer is always Apollo I swear </3 hasn't changed since 2018, I'm in Hell and it's Apollo's fault. What's life without a few,, minor ethics violations. I think my entire OC collection is just one massive ethics violation to be honest </3
RIGHT. That's what I wanna get. Just give me something fuel efficient and cheap B) a full tank of fuel on the moped costs like £7 so that's hard to beat to be honest </3 cars feel so expensive
You will </3 good luck out there, you'll be missed if 86 gets you </3
I don't like this decision :[
CriesInTheNight said: What was the most time consuming artpiece you have done? So how long did it take for instance?
And was doing art something you started off young as a hobby or did you first start learning this/discovering this talent as an adult which led you to study concept art and such at Uni?
OHhh this is a good good question, I still think the most time consuming piece of art I've done is probably this one for Ciuin back in 2018.  Ut took FOREVER, for uh,, well let's just say I've improved a lot. Every single line was drawn individually - I didn't know there were brushes for this sort of thing. Another incredibly time intensive commission was this piece for KJKarma on TH. This was done at the start of 2024, and combines a 3D model with digital painting, I can't even begin to estimate how long this took, at least 15 hours with all the tweaks and adjustments.  As for when/how I started art, I pretty much always have. According to my parents, I picked up a crayon as a toddler and quite literally never put it down. I don't actually remember art not being a part of my life at any point - I've been drawing for as long as I can remember! I never made a conscious decision to learn how to draw or decide to suddenly take learning to draw seriously - I've just always done it. Some of my earliest memories are drawing or painting :] I've been to a lot a lot of schools, and have been lucky enough that art or at least something creative was a part of those schools. When I did my GCSEs [exams between the age of 14-16 ish] I was lucky that my school offered art as a subject I could study and get grades for - which definitely pushed me in a lot of ways I wouldn't have pushed myself if I was purely self taught, it's also what started to get me into digital art in 2014. Since then I've always been studying art in one way or another, so going onto study concept art/game art at university was a natural progression! Though, the course I'm currently doing is a lil more diverse and also includes 3D modelling and basic programming!