
Drunken Seas - Walking towards the white door, you turn the knob and walk in. The room is bright, so you turn off the flashlight andd look around. You see jars and containers of whatnot and empty cages around the room. There is also a desk and chair in the corner. Sitting in the chair though, is not a human, but what looks to be a mutated Rolve. The chair turns around and a dark pink and blue mutant rolve looks at you with light blue eyes and red glasses. YOU CAN: Talk to the rolve Run Wave and look and the jars


Drunken Seas - The rolve looks at you. "I haven't had vistors from Earth in a while. What brings you here?" You tell her how you have been looking for rolves around the void, and how one ran into the building and you wanted to follow it. "Oh! Well if your trying to tame the rolves here, why don't you take some more bait? The rolves here are shy but aggresive. It will take alot to catch them." You nod your thanks as the rolve waves you off. You end up back in the room with the three doors. - YOU CAN: Go in the Gray door Go in the Black Door - +5 bait Edited at August 9, 2024 08:58 AM by Rogue Wildfires

That's alright, as someone who does interactive adopts I understand needing a break 😅 Set a trap with the bait and cage

Nikwasi - You put the bait in the cage and put the cave infront of the entrance to the asteroid-home. Soon later the rolve peeks out again and climbs into the cage. You close it shut. The rolve doesn't seem to care, as it is gulping down the bait. SUCCESS. - I'll post everything here later :P - YOU CAN: Continue around the void Pick another place to continue on with Go to breeding Forum (Coming soon, not yet made so you'll have to wait a while) Custom

Continue around the void :)

Drunken Seas I edited the post above for your adopt ^^


Drunken Seas - Editing this, Just working on my other adopt :/

Just incase you didn't see my response Noodles said: Go right Rogue Wildfires said: Noodles - You launch out into space, the void enclosing you as you float towards it. Meteors fly past you, and soon you are covered in meteor dust. There is a clsuter of meteors to your left, and a mysterious crystal floating off to your right. - YOU CAN: Go Left Go Right