
Nikwasi - You put the bottle back and wader off again, this time heading for a cluster of meteors. You pass by meteors with what looked to be caves in them, and you wonder if thats how the space animals sleep here. Just as you are thinking, an almost black rolve pops out of a meteor and scurries away from you. - YOU CAN: Follow the rolve Look inside the meteor Custom/Whatever lol (I have a habit of editing instead of quoting my posts, so I forget what the last post said o-o)

(Don't mind the fact that I'm just plopping you down in the planets, Nobody has chosen the Red Planet yet and I have a fun idea for it owo) Inferno Abyss - You, Fade, and your new Rolve venture off again, leaving the space ship and heading to the planets. Soon a dusty red orb comes into your view, and Fade begins running through the air towards it, making you follow him, When you land on the planet, dust instantly slaps you in the face, and you have to wipe your visor clean every few seconds. - YOU CAN: Collect dust. Set bait trail. Explore the planet for Rolves. Edited at August 6, 2024 09:02 AM by Rogue Wildfires


Nikwasi - You follow the rolve, and it leads you to another meteor-home-cave thing. You poke your head in, and you see glowing eyes staring back at you, but you are unable to see the color. - YOU CAN: Coaz Rolve out. Wait. Use bait (Sorry it's short, I might be done for a bit. It's lunch time :P)

(thats alright, I don't mind waiting) Use bait

Edited at August 6, 2024 09:20 AM by Nikwasi


Drunken Seas - You creep inside the building, making sure not to make any noises. You see a button with a sign that reads: "AIR" YOu shrug and press it. What could go wrong? YOu hear a hissing noise, as if a pipe was broken. Then you realize that the hissing noise is air being poured into the room, so you could breath. YOu take off your helmet and gear before looking around the building. It's dark and musty. You pull a flashlight out of your backpack, clicking it on. Infront of you are three doors. A Black door, a white door, and a gray door, YOU CAN: Go through Black Door Go through White Door Go through Gray Door Edited at August 6, 2024 01:22 PM by Rogue Wildfires

Go through white door please

Nikwasi - Bait in hand, you hold it out for the rolve to sniff it. A small, black nose peeks out, and soon a muzzle. The rolve snatches up the bait and crawls out of the hole a bit more, showing you it's blue eyes. You hold your hand out, but the rolve whines and wrigles deeper into the hole. - YOU CAN: Offer it your leftovers :P Set a trap with the bait and cage Custom