
Pack Name: Nikwasi Pack Number: 303499 Place: The Void Items: purple cube, rainbow bone, galactic collar, cage, blue potion :) Total Mush: 140? Other: teehee I've got enough mushies now

140 is correct! I'll post your interactive soon Nikwasi said: Pack Name: Nikwasi Pack Number: 303499 Place: The Void Items: purple cube, rainbow bone, galactic collar, cage, blue potion :) Total Mush: 140? Other: teehee I've got enough mushies now


Drunken Seas - You decide to check out the buildings, pratically crawling through space to get to the massive rock. There seems to be a galaxy-looking animal guarding the entrance, and when it sees you, It quickly runs inside. You walk closer to the entrance, peering in through the door, though all you can see is darkness. - YOU CAN: Go inside Look for Rolve Tracks Custom

Nikwasi - You get yeeted into the void, shadows and darkness swamping your vision. Though the darkness and silence is soothing, it's also frightening to not be able to hear anything in space. You look around and notice an odd looking, glowing thing floating toward you on your left, and a crystal-spiked meteor on your right. - YOU CAN: Go Left Go Right

Go left (The word yeeted is so funny to me xD)

Go right Rogue Wildfires said: Noodles - You launch out into space, the void enclosing you as you float towards it. Meteors fly past you, and soon you are covered in meteor dust. There is a clsuter of meteors to your left, and a mysterious crystal floating off to your right. - YOU CAN: Go Left Go Right

(Lol) Nikwasi - You put the bottle back and wader off again, this time heading for a cluster of meteors. You pass by meteors with what looked to be caves in them, and you wonder if thats how the space animals sleep here. Just as you are thinking, an almost black rolve pops out of a meteor and scurries away from you. - YOU CAN: Follow the rolve Look inside the meteor Custom/Whatever lol Edited at August 6, 2024 08:55 AM by Rogue Wildfires

Put it in my backpack and continue looking :)

Continue exploring if that's alright :') Rogue Wildfires said: (So sorry I haven't posted for you in a while! Life got busy for a second) Inferno Abyss - You set another trap with your cage,putting the bait inside the cage and propping the cage door open, leaving a trail of bait floating outside the cage. You hide behind some of the equipment that is in the shuttle and wait. A few minutes later a rolve creeps out of nowhere and sniffs at the bait, eating some. they look around to make sure nobody is around before creeping in the cage. You float over to teh cage and carefully shut it. The rolve doesn't seem to mind being trapped. You've tamed it! - Rarity: 46 - Pelt: Orange-green - Eyes: Yellow - Gender: Female - Trait: Adventurous - YOU CAN: Continue exploring End interactive and go to breeding form (Coming Soon)
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