Lacus You walk around the plant, searching for another enterance. An opportunity presents itself in the form of a broken leaf. As you duck inside you finally see the source of the sound. Three kittens! Do you... A) carefully place them in your crate(you will be charged 10 mush, as you don't have a crate and it's required to bring back a litter) B) Leave them be, they might have a family C) Look more closely at the small beings
Dawnforest You find the bird interesting, so you set down you bag and watch it for a bit. As you do, you see a cat out of the corner of your eye. It stalks towards your bag, smelling the salmon. Do you... A) Offer the cat some salmon B) The cat doesn't matter! Keep watching the bird C) Wait for the cat to rummage through your bag D) Try to catch the bird
Try and catch the bird and if I can wait for the cat to look in the bag Edited at November 21, 2023 08:50 PM by Dawnforest
Dawnforest You still as the bird hops closer to you. You never get the chance to catch it, or even attempt, as the cat pounces over your bag, trips, and scares it away. You do, however get a good look at the cat, who is now in your lap. A you look closer, you realize that this cat is blind and that's why it missed(it navigates by sound and smell) Do you... A) Pet the cat B) Offer it some of your salmon C) Push it off your lap. I don't want it!
Dawnforest You reach out and softly touch the cat's back. It startles, as it wasn't expecting that and was still getting used to it's new position. Though, as you drag your hand down it's fur, it starts to purr. You can feel it's spine through it's pelt as you scratch it. Do you... A) Offer it the fish B) Offer it the berries C) Keep petting it
uhm A !! they're so cute -- i'll send over the 10 if you could just send me the picture via mail :D Astraeus' Lights said: Lacus You walk around the plant, searching for another enterance. An opportunity presents itself in the form of a broken leaf. As you duck inside you finally see the source of the sound. Three kittens! Do you... A) carefully place them in your crate(you will be charged 10 mush, as you don't have a crate and it's required to bring back a litter) B) Leave them be, they might have a family C) Look more closely at the small beings
Lacus I forgot to ask: what would you like to name them!
i think i will go with these names :D purple - tigger brown - zinc green - leaf Astraeus' Lights said: Lacus I forgot to ask: what would you like to name them!