

The Amethyst You walk a little closer to the hay and crouch down, peering into the small gaps. After a few minutes, you spy a brown tail. It appears to be long, certainly not that of a goat. Moments later a brown tabby barncat dashes out of the hay nearby and zooms right beside you. You get up, a bit disappointed. But little maahs, growing louder, still come from this direction, so maybe you are close to some goat... A. Continue walking farther into the barn B. Turn and head back to the fenced-in area of the barn Edited at October 26, 2024 11:03 PM by Acornclan


The Amethyst You turn to head back to the fenced area, the maahs start to grow fainter, as you walk, though. You can see the fence now, and pause. A. Turn back around and follow the maahs B. Go into the fence C. Listen for other bleating


The Amethyst You turn around and follow the maahs, determined to find the source. You pass the area the cat was, and the maahs grow louder with each step. After a few more steps, you stop and look around. The hay bales ended here, and right out of the corner of your eye, you spot a dark brown tail flick before disappearing. Was it real or did you imagine it? A. Take a few steps forward B. Pull out Bottle of milk, crouch down and outstretch your arm near where the tail disappeared C. Crouch down and wait for a little bit


Edited at October 26, 2024 11:26 PM by The Amethyst

The Amethyst You get out the bottle of milk and crouch down, outstretching your arm towardw where the tail disappeared. After a few moments, You spy a brown head with a dark brown stripe across it.The goat carefully takes a step forward, letting you see it's whole body It's a brown buckling (male kid) A. Offer the milk to him B. Quickly pull the bottle away and put it away, saving a use on it but risking losing the baby's interest. C. B but also leave Edited at October 26, 2024 11:26 PM by Acornclan
