
- Inferno Abyss - - You clmb over broken items in the ship, glancing side to side for a rolve. You see metal parts and fur scattered across the floor of the ship, and you take a few pieces to examine later. You hear the racket again, but when you go to see where it came from, you notice a dark shadow running through the stars and asteroids- a rolve. You go back to the hole and climb out. - YOU CAN: Go to another Ship Go back to the space station to examine the fur See whats in your pack Custom

Go back to the space station to examine the fur and see whats in my pack
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- Inferno Abyss - - You float back into the space station and take off your spacesuit. You walk over to the small room with the science equipment and stand infront of a microscope. You put the metallic fur under it and look through the lense. The fur seems to be made of metal strips, barely binded together. It's a shade of dark brown. You put the fur carefully away in a small tube and open your pack. Inside you see duck tape, a flashlight, the collar and cage, an extra space suit, and a ham sandwich. You close the bag and put it on. - YOU CAN: Go back to the graveyard Eat Float aroud space and wait Custom Edited at June 11, 2024 03:09 PM by SwiftfireClan


- Inferno Abyss - - You put your suit on and head back out, towards the graveyard. You feel your pack vibrating again, and once you get to the black and white space ship you open your pack and take out the glowing substance. - YOU CAN: Set a trap with substance and Cage Explore the Space ship Custom

Set a trap with substance and cage
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Inferno Abyss - - You take the top off of the jar full of the glowing substance, Placing it carefully in the cage. You pour some of the glowing slime on the bottom of the cage and step back, hiding from the veiw of any rolves. You see a shadow creep towards the cage, Stepping in it to lick up the smile, which seems to be a sort of food or bait. You caught a rolve! - Rarity: 47 - Pelt: Dull aqua - Eyes: Dark blue - Gender: Male - YOU CAN: - Name Rolve Continue to explore the graveyard go to new area Custom Edited at June 18, 2024 09:29 AM by SwiftfireClan

We shall name the Rolve Fade And go to the Void (new area)?
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Pack Name: Nox. Pack Number: 158234. Place: The Void. Items: Cage, collar. Total Mush: 200, paying a little extra. :) Other: Black or white spacesuit would be cool! Big fan of the black and white look in general.
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Great! just send the mush and we can get started! Nox said: Pack Name: Nox. Pack Number: 158234. Place: The Void. Items: Cage, collar. Total Mush: 200, paying a little extra. :) Other: Black or white spacesuit would be cool! Big fan of the black and white look in general.