
You tell the lady that you'll look for the dog and she is grateful. "His name is Pookie." You turn and start walking off; calling Pookie's name. Soon enugh a dog runs up to you. Huh! So that's where he was! You pick him up; as he is a small dog, and bring him back to the lady. She grabs him and thanks you over and over. "Here, come with me. I have a gift for you." She lead you to her house and passed you a penguin. "I bought this one a few months ago, but lost interest in it. It's yours. She's a girl." She shoved the penguin out of the house and slams the door. You put the penguin on the floor and feed it some fish. After walking away it follows you. You have obtained the momma penguin When you get to the vet's, the momma runs off while you give the kitten a check-up. The vet asks if you want to keep the kitten or let it stay with them. What will you do? A- Keep it B-Give it away and go check on that penguin

I think i'll give it away and check on the penguin!

OK! You give the vet the kitten and he promises to take care of it. You then go out and see that the momma came back with an egg that is hatching! What do you do? A- Wait B- Give the momma space, she probably wants to see the baby first C- Custom

I think i'll go with B! I'll watch from a little further away

accidentally posted twice Edited at August 14, 2024 08:49 PM by Boomrat

OK You back up into a small corridor and find a rat with babies behind you! What do you do? A- give the rat momma food B- Ignore the rat momma C- Pick her up (BTW if you choose this one you are likely to get bit)


The rat mom gratefully eats it and turns around and passes you two of her babies. You can tell by looking at them that they are the weakest. You have obtained two baby rats! You look back to see the mother penguin waddling towards you with the now-hatched baby. Satisfied, you head back to the restaurant to finally get your dinner. (Is this okay with you? Yeah, I chose to do two rats because why not XD They will be okay most likely. BTW the price is 90 mush, please pay after I send you the art links)

Yay! Thank you so much for the extra rat too! I can't wait to see them! i'll send 135 mush, 90+45 tip Edited at August 14, 2024 09:16 PM by Boomrat