
Personal Art Rawr, more dinosaur art. This is my own Cerato lad named Slurp. Yes, his name is Slurp. Leave Slurp alone he is beautiful.
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Surp is beautiful. Slurp is best boi.

Birthday Gift Art I keep forgetting to post here, smh. Anyway, gift art for a friend's birthday earlier this month.
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Personal Art Some art I did for myself. Ship art between a werewolf and human couple. Gotta fulfill my need for the gay hahaha.
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Personal Art Drew another one of my dino children. Eheheheh.
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Personal Art I did more art for myself. First time ever drawing an actual scene so... I'm very new to this stuff lol. Piece features my newest oc, a deinosuchus female. She has no name yet so- if you have name suggestions lemme know :> she can be seen here: https://toyhou.se/21790547.tbn
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Personal Art New character drop. His name is Chad. He's a Giganotosaurus. Haha... :)
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Whoahhh :0 Dang bro, these are smoking hot! <3 I love the dinosaurs aaaaaa- and that pattern of ridges going down Chad's face is gorgeous.

Personal Art New spino lad. I'll draw his full ref eventually- he's prettier than this, trust trust.
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Awe hec yes, he looks sick so far! :D