
Comments Welcome Now!! Please keep all Comments, Compliments, and Criticism Positive! --- Since I'm new to the art world I'd love advice and criticism! I'll take as much as I can get!!

hello, i just want to say that i like your art style, i think its very pleasant ^^

Thanks!! I enjoy this type of drawing style a lot! era said: hello, i just want to say that i like your art style, i think its very pleasant ^^

Nuri Flamey's OC -  - Edited at July 13, 2022 05:44 PM by Evenfall Lament

The steps I take to create chibis! --- I was in a rush when I made this, so it's not my best. Not the best lighting either... Nevertheless here it is! - Step 1: _______________________Step 2:  --- Step 3:______________________ Step 4 . Edited at July 13, 2022 11:00 PM by Evenfall Lament

Picked 3 random colors than drew her!! I did it with a time limit so the hair is MESSY!! 

Let my brother pick 4 colors for me to use in this one :,). I actually kinda like it! Had a time limit on this one too, the hair is way less of a mess than last time! Lol.

Not that good lol! Hehe, lots of black! The hair was fun tho!

Drawing of my OC, Gladys!!
