
Ooooh the plants and classwork looks absolutely amazing actually--
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Those plants are so cool- :O Apollo and the pirates looks fantastic, and Urchin - how cute!

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Vah Thank you! :D the palette task was super fun, it's definitely something I'm going to do more of in my own time! :D
Acerbus Thank youu <33 Very excited to complete the Apollo piece. - Time for a huge dump of traditional art as I won't have my graphics tablet until THURSDAY?? I don't know how I'm gonna live guys I can't lie. 

NOOO NOT THE GRAPHICS TABLET Anyways those sketches devour omg. Legendary
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Polar </333 I can't live without it I swear I had so much planned GAH. Crying. Good mooooorning though! :D And thank you! :D Traditional art kicks my arse but we try. Here's some more of me trying to work out soft pastels. This is Dan's redesign as he's got some new lore. Being one of the early humans and being white didn't quite match up 😭  Dan is one of my absolute FAVOURITE characters and lowkey he's very underrated. It's about time he got some actual attention + a revamp, working on his TH profile now :]

Good uh. Afternoon now ;p That looks absolutely amazing though!!! Stan race changing ocs when redesigning them LOL HONESTLY. You did an amazing job with the pastels, honestly I CANNOT with pastels at all goodness </3
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Polar Drawing an entirely new image just so I can say good afternoon? MOre likely than you think B) Also am I the only one who has a hangup about replying to my threads without posting art? </3 I know there's at least one or two people subbed to this thread so I'd hate to disappoint them with nothing new </3 GOOD AFTERNOOOOON!  Yeah the redesign was very much needed as Dan is quite literally older than the existence of white people, which is honestly not an OC I thought I'd ever have but it makes sense B) finally managed to work out a big old plot hole for him. There's a lot of debate over when pale skin first began to show up in humans, but regardless all of the estimates are far far younger than Dan. Looking forward to being able to give him a more polished ref when I have my graphics tablet back B) AND THANK YOU, I'm having a lot of fun with the pastels! :D I've owned them for literal years, probably 10 years now! But have genuinely never used them. I'm actually a lil thankful I don't have my graphics tablet right now as it's forcing me to use them,, ANywayanyway, I'll stop rambling now :]

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Oooh a man. Still no cables which means no properly finished art LOL Edited at January 28, 2025 04:35 PM by Eternity

MMMM HEAD WINGS MMM YUM MM Also what swagger he has, damn,, dripped up for real for real
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Looks amazing ET! I love the sword
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