
What if you draw kobel trying lychee?

YEAHH you got this ET ✊ and if not then the second image is also a possibility!!
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The doodles are looking amazing. Classwok can be a nightmare but those are looking absolutely fantastic
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
The Amethyst Omg, I definitely will, that's a great idea *^*
Polar I DID IT! Both my deadlines have passed and are completed. You guys can have a break from me complaining about Maya for uhhhhhhhhhhhhh 4 days. I'm not cutout for being a hitman I like people too much </3 Vah Thank you!! :D I'm very glad all the classwork is over for now, back too it soon though </3 - Now the classwork is over, I can make some fancy art. Here's a piece of Remus, who I've not drawn in a hot second.   Annd here's some space dragons from the mild chat chaos yesterday

YEAHH GOOD JOB MATE!! And OMG, I just saw that piece on TH BROO that lighting is SO nice, almost headlights like - and that snow and the painterly background makes it kinda look like a photo of some cryptid 😭 goood I love it ahu The extra fur added to the finished image was a fantastic call also, they look so FLUFFY
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Polar THANK YOUU <3333 so happy to have it handed in AND THANKS!! :D aaa I'm so glad! It's inspired by the kinda trailcam/camera flash vibes. Is actually inspired from this picture of very frosty grass in my garden!  I'm glad the kinda eery/found footage vibe is there and you picked up on it!! Thank you :DD Wahh I can't go without adding some fluff,, thanks qwqwqwq - Something on the opposite end of the art spectrum here. I watched Promare earlier today and god, the flame effects in that movie are awesome. Was feeling inspired, so here's Faraday. I've not drawn him in a hot second. Might do some more painterly/condensed sketches like this one!  Edited at January 11, 2025 06:44 PM by Eternity

Oooooohhhh that looks fantastic!
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Vah Thank you!! :D Definitely going to have to draw Faraday more,, - More one layer/paint over sketches... We're back to our usual, scheduled Apollo program. Any buildings made by Eternity [the OC] look weird as fuck 

For one layer that is honestly so cool. I just.. that's absolutely amazing
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Vah Awee thanks!! :D I find it's a lot quicker to finish pieces! :0 lowkey I find lining hard as hell, so I'm enjoying doing it like this,, Here's the process of painting on the sketch though, if you're curious! :0 Base sketch 'base' colours over the top  Shading + cleaning up the edges and changing expression  Few more face adjustments as this is the final image in the panel and I want it to be a bit more detailed.  Decided to put Gravity on the layer beneath just to not make it such a pain in the arse, but now need to adjust Apollo's wings. Whoops, gaps need filling!  Combine layer one and six as I keep getting irritated by not being able to paint Gravity's eye. [The sketch for the eye is on layer one, everything else is on for Gravity is on layer six [excluding the yellow/white pupil, that's on layer one]]  Details details details. Changing Apollo's face again. Fixing his ear. Moving stuff around we'll leave it here :]  Annnd here's the full thing. Eternity [the oc] tends to get in the way of stuff and other celestials get mad LOL Fun fact, the original file for this is 2000 pixels wide and almost 8000 pixels long, which is totally excessive!  Edited at January 13, 2025 01:17 PM by Eternity