
*^* I would cry if I got Breadstick and Ciúin plushies And perhaps Thea too aha! And Angela, Tavon and Aiden plushies....👀

Currently drawing a new reference sheet for Breadstick! This man hasn't had a reference sheet update in over two years lmfao. I plan to create reference sheets for pretty much all of my main OCs. So stay tuned! :>



I was wondering when you'd remake 'em Love love <3 Although seeing the cheebs without noses lowkey creeps me out :') All the plushies - I would totally do that if I could find someone at a good price ;)

Hallbjorns said: I was wondering when you'd remake 'em Love love <3 Although seeing the cheebs without noses lowkey creeps me out :') All the plushies - I would totally do that if I could find someone at a good price ;)
I'm not a fan of them either, don't worry. xD I was just joking around with my art style, lol Hell yes *^*

Another YCH for Misaki! 

Bro they're so cute qwq Your pride art is adorable ;)

Hallbjorns said: Bro they're so cute qwq Your pride art is adorable ;)
Ahhh thank you!! qwq

Pride commission for Mysterys! Edited at June 6, 2020 10:33 AM by Ciúin.