
Sproot said: Gorgeous
Thank you! Hallbjorns said: I cannot get over your BGs :') They're heccing gorgeous <3
Aw, thank you so much! I'm still very much new to backgrounds so that means a lot :)

love the misaki one that is stunning the background and picture/drawing is just wow

Starpackhero said: love the misaki one that is stunning the background and picture/drawing is just wow
Thank you!! :)

Little warmup drawing using my character Alcatraz as a muse! I wanted to practise my headshots as well as see how long the average headshot took, for future reference. This one took roughly two-ish hours? Mayyyybe three. I really like how it turned out! Nothing I really hate about it, just that it's a bit slanted. :'D

Love it!wish I had your art skills And your welcome Edited at May 31, 2020 03:50 AM by Starpackhero

Long-overdue gift for my good friend solas! 
Edited at May 31, 2020 05:09 PM by Ciúin.


pigeonator said: so cUTE <3
Thank you!!

A quick little warmup sketch! I might start doing these daily, it helps to get my creative juices flowing. This scene is from my OCs' story! The easiest way I can describe it is that Breadstick and his daughter (which is actually Alcatraz, the wolf above!) have been captured lol. I was mostly practising expressions with this one. I might finish it someday. :") Edited at June 1, 2020 04:05 PM by Ciúin.

.... Damn these are freaking gorgeous