
Thoughts? Never drawn a dragon before let alone a little ref sheet thing of one

That is literately amazing. if you ever have it digitalized and I can commision you for it, please tell me.

Mist Fall Wolves said: That is literately amazing. if you ever have it digitalized and I can commision you for it, please tell me.
Thank you <3 I may digitalize it soon I just have too finish a few commissions and try to upload one thank you <3 :D

Art credits to me character belongs to FancyPants .... Really liked the way this one turned out the tail wasn't the best but I still love it

art credits to me character belongs to Cinderclaws .... Alright the background is my favorite part of this used lighter colour shading instead of darker colour shading so really liked that

The dragon is really good, you should definitely do more dragons, and your background is incredible!

Royal Pack said: The dragon is really good, you should definitely do more dragons, and your background is incredible!
Thank you <3 yeah I may start trying digital dragons too thank you <3 backgrounds are also one of my favorite things to do so :D

Digitalized the dragon ref sheet thing thoughts? Might do an auction with this base if poeple want

A YCH would be cool, yeah! Very nice, though tbh I prefer the paper style

Royal Pack said: A YCH would be cool, yeah! Very nice, though tbh I prefer the paper style
Thank you <3 yeah me too I like the paper one unfortunately I don't have a wide range of colours though on paper so yeah