
Skeeb A gift I made for my bud, Skeeb. Xe, or maybe Calliope, or was it Michael ? I forget, but one of those chaps assigned a good chunk of our friend group dog breeds, so I did what I do best and made just about everyone who was assigned a breed (except for myself) dog-sonas ! This piece is around 6-7 months old (?)

Hjonk Good ole Hjonk ! This good pal of mine deserved something to accommodate to their swag, so I have their pup some radical shades. Time is a blur so I assume it's about 6 months old

Puddin' Cup Puddin' Cup, who goes by Discord now, was given an adorable, and fashionable, standard poodle ! I rather enjoyed making this curly pup for her. This is about 6 months old ? I can't remember :')

Tolkien The lovely lady herself, Tolk, wasn't assigned just one dog, but rather two ! She got a Collie, as well as a St. Bernard. Also, heed this was around the time when the game Among Us was popular, and we all played together nearly every night, so I have each pup one of the head gears she'd pick. They're stunning ! This is maybe 6 months old ? P.S. You can clearly tell I spoil her with art haha

The Devil Herself I realize I haven't cleared it up before, but this is the nickname I gave to Radioactive_Angel. Yeah, weird I forgot to mention that before. Anyhoo, this is the pup I made for her ! Heterochromia is nice when done right. I hope I did it right on this piece. Hmm I believe this is 6-ish months old

Cervid Good ole bone lovin' Cervid. They got the cute little Sausage dog as their assigned breed. Rather than give her a plain ole one, I gave 'em a really fluffy pup. From what I remember, she loved them. Heterochromia that is two different shades of the same color reigns superior in my eyes. This one's about 6 months old

Michael Ahhh my good friend, Michael. I made him a lovely Jack Russel dog with Vitiligo. He loves Jack Russel dogs, so this made him really happy. I like it when he's happy; I like it when any, even all, of my friends are happy. This one is around 6 months old

Cat ? I think this is a cat ? I made it randomly, and if it is a cat then it's a rather stylized La Perm cat. I like La Perms, they don't get enough love or recognition. Not sure if I'll expand on this piece in the future; it's also around 6 months old if I remember right

Pygmy Marmosant Originally, I was going to consider this a closed original species, but upon further thinking I've chosen to keep it as just an original species. Top piece is actually a funky little sketch I made to show my friends, as well as ask them whether or not I should turn it into a somewhat fleshed out species. Like the loving, supportive people they are, they said I should. Right on underneath is the final reference for the species. The Pygmy Marmosant in that ref. specifically is an OC of mine that hasn't really been named. At least, not that I can recall. If you want to make art of them, or make your own OC, you can contact me ! Also, don't forget to credit me as the species creator. This piece is maybe 6 months old ? 7 ?

mr man I'm still surprised we all went through a "make a werm/worm on string OC" craze. My good bud Skeeb even made a base for us to use (it's the one with the super fancy signature). mr man is a bug-like worm on string OC, mainly because I love making bug-like hybrid OCs. His colors and design are based on my Among Us avatar, which was a pink color with purple shading and a Wet Floor sign as a hat. The piece is around 6 months old