
Yeah it caught me off guard :') Did'nt even notice it was in the roleplay forum just saw "discussions" when I first made it and went with it haha- Oh well though atleast you guys won't have to click back and forth And I'm 100% sure that I'll be making cloud art in the future As clouds are one of my faviorite things to draw so be prepared for that ^^

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
God your artwork is lovely! :0 I love the way you draw plants.
Also, you can pin posts to the top of your gallery, that might be a good way of posting without it being interrupted by comments :0

Thank you ^^ And I'll probably do that!

Odyssey - Yeah :') Don't worry dude, I didn't notice it, either! And yeah, there's at least that benefit. - Oooh nice! I love drawing me some clouds, and I can't wait to see yours! ^^

Haven't updated in awhile But as always I promise im working on something good By the way to any who were asking about comms I will officially have them open on July 1st Although they will be through pm's and I will have a list of people in order who goes first- Haven't fully figured out how I'll organize it until I open a shop eventually but I'll figure it out! Edited at June 20, 2023 02:01 PM by Odyssey


:O that cat avatar piece is so beautiful and somehow gives me nostalgia

A suggestion, you can pin certain posts so all of them show up first, so you don't have to keep constantly updating aha. ^^ YO that background and the way the dragon rises up out of the clouds is amazing! :0 Love how you did little details, like the birds, as well! :)

Thank you! I know eternity said something about it earlier just assumed you could only pin one ^^' Defintly will help it look more organized

Holy hec the olive green of that monstrous and amazing creature rising out of those shapely clouds- the sketchy, bright, sunburst-yellow moon! The atmosphere! These are too many flavors of glorious artistic insanity I- I love it. Edited at June 24, 2023 01:56 AM by Yuketa