
- Welcome - - Ah, I see you made it to my quiet domain of books. Have a look around, see if anything catches your eye. - Feel free to post your thoughts ^^ - STORIES: Wander - Spirit - The Fall - Pages of Blood - The Tale of Elowyn - The Key of Gold - Travellers - Edited at February 12, 2025 10:37 AM by Lonely Wildfires

WANDER - The sun filtered through the snow covered leaves, sending a chilly light into the rooted den of an old redwood tree. A large, black shadow filled the den. The shadow moved, showing a large white streak that ran from its muzzle to its tail. It fixed its deep purple eyes that looked like they fizzed with lightning on a new shadow, pure white with piercing blue eyes. “Wander…” It said in a low, gravely voice. “Cliff.” The black shadow answered. “The others wait for you.” The other wolf growled, baring his teeth. “Tell them it is not time.” “It has always been time, Wander.” The black wolf sighed. “Fine. But you must deliver the prophecy. Tell them I come.” Pine needles showered the earth as the squirrel scattered away into the tall tree. “Watch out, Kovu!” A black shadow crossed the branches above, right over the small rodent. Edited at February 10, 2025 09:42 AM by Lonely Wildfires

Spirit - Water sprayed my face as I blinked open my eyes. I yelped and jumped back, staring into the rapid water beside me. The water was brimmed with white foam, and every now and then a small wave would barrel down the forest slope. I licked my jaws clean of the spray, my stomach suddenly feeling like a pit. The water on my tongue reminded me how thirsty I was. I trotted back over to the water’s edge and lapped it up until my stomach was full. then looked up. The sun was slowly falling down to the horizon, and the air was cooler now. I stepped away from the edge of the river and looked around. Moss and leaves lay on the ground beside me. A small hole in the gnarled up tree roots smelled of stale fox. A perfect makeshift den. Edited at February 10, 2025 09:43 AM by Lonely Wildfires


The Fall - The light that flitered through the bloodred curtains was cold, as if even the sun hated the world. The once-shining white castle looked oddly dull, the gold turrets bland. The halls of the massive castle were quiet, except for the thump thump of footsteps on tile. A single scream rang through the halls, echoing down staircases. Edited at February 12, 2025 10:38 AM by Lonely Wildfires

Edited at February 10, 2025 09:55 AM by Lonely Wildfires

The Tale of Elowyn - adding Edited at February 10, 2025 10:07 AM by Lonely Wildfires

Edited at February 10, 2025 09:56 AM by Lonely Wildfires

TRAVELLERS The cold mountain breeze swept through the quiet reserve, leaving the fronds from ferns and bushes shaking. The whole mountain was silent, with only the occasional cricket keeping me company. And even then would they die down after a while. The metal cage around me was high, but tonight the ground was soft and springy. I dug my claws into the soggy ground, pulling mounds of dirt out, but the fence wouldn’t budge. Backing up, I thrusted my shoulder into the rusty wire, hearing a snap as the metal broke and fell away, leaving me tumbling down a short slope. Concrete met my paws as I stood, wincing at the slight pain in my shoulder and I raising my nose to follow the wind. Other animals were on the breeze. I trotted after it, trailing the faint scent. After a while of walking, my paw pads were feeling sore as I saw an even larger cage loomed in front of me, and I noticed a small bulge in the metal cage. “Kiona?” I called, glancing around. A dark shape moved at the corner of my vision, and I flinched when I saw how close the giant leopard was. “Afi..” She growled, crouching low as if she were about to pounce. “Have you found Vave yet?” I asked, stepping backward. The leopard stood up, gazing around. “His cage is up there.” She pointed near the direction of mine with her nose. “No need. Now, we better leave soon before anyone notices we’re gone.” I jumped, turning to the large white wolf behind me. Vave laughed, padding over. “Sorry to frighten you. But we really should be going.” The way out of the reserve was easy. We just had to weave through the undergrowth surrounding the enclosures and find gaps in fences. Every now and then a light would flicker on, sending us into the thorny bushes that would stick to my fur. After what seemed like forever, we found the entrance to the reserve, its massive iron gates open a small crack. Kiona used her giant, fluffy paws to pry it open wider, squeezing through the gap. I slid in after her, followed by Vave. Fresh pine met my nose, along with the chilling sting of the freezing snow dappling my snout. With every step, the snow seemed to be getting deeper and deeper, until it was up to my belly. “Now what?” I asked, glancing between Vave and Kiona. Edited at February 12, 2025 08:07 AM by Lonely Wildfires