

Pack Number: 295938
Character Personality and/or Backstory: Majestic, Mysterious, and quiet Extra: Big fan 😎 oh also I think you've done this character before lol Edited at November 7, 2023 04:25 PM by Not Debbie

Pack Number: 305879 Character Personality and/or Backstory: She is generally friendly, but mess with her or her friends and she will literally rip your head off. Only slightly unhinged Extra: maybe a cougar tooth neckless if you could :)

i really neglected this forum 😭 starting up again~

Pack Number: 310238 Character Personality and/or Backstory: Nothing much probably look devil/angry (growling or something?) Extra: I love your style! You also helped me with shadows. Thanks!

Pack Number - 304951 Character Personality and/or Backstory - Isolated, stoic, curious, impulsive, oblivious, dutiful, upfront, Courageous, Down to Earth, protective Extra - teehee

Game Moderator Neutral
Pack number: 193898 Nightshade's personality: A calm vixen who can be protective of those she cares about and respects but if annoyed with you then she will be cold. She can be sarcastic almost all the time from when she is annoyed, just woken up or in some cases just because she wants to. This vixen does have a humor but is also serious and focused on diffusing fights or arguments. She is not a morning vixen. Ember's personality: Ember is a vixen who is patient and encourging. She will sometimes be seen fishing or swimming but she despises gossip which annoys her. She can sometimes be seen as harsh and won't give praise unless one deserved it. She rarely lets others see her emotions. Extra: Thank you for the oppertunity and if you have questions feel free to ask.
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Pack Number: 157083 Species: Uhh anything feline or canine, wild or domestic I don't mind Palette: All of my current metal dawgs have dark/greyscale palettes. So maybe something light + colourful accents :0 maybe a light and cream/toffee colour with whatever metal colours *^* Honestly go wild Mood/Vibe/Theme: metal dawg,, metal creature. Sci-fi ish. Can be either brand new or like,, neglected, rusted and abandoned. Can be entirely mechanical or only partial! :D Extra: uwus at ou

Pack Number: 311551 Species: Cat Palette: Mood/Vibe/Theme: Black Cat amongst Cherry Blossoms please! Any pose is fine Extra: Can you make it banner size please?

Pack Number: 280425 Character Ref: I have this cool guy I made: Zyrus, feral form :) I have also have this super cute canine character if you'd prefer Rudi Character Personality and/or Backstory: Zyrus is very quiet and reserved, and prefers to stay in the background or the shadows. He is just very chill overall Rudi is much more outgoing and curious, and he loves adventure. He is very sarcastic and loves to joke around. Extra: Thank you for the oppurtunity :)