
Pack Number: 204590 Character Ref: Character Personallity and/or Backstory: A mysterious spirit in the form of a winged wolf, Setsuna has been wandering the Earth for quite a long while. Bound to a cherry blossom tree that stands in the middle of the Yashiro pack (OC Pack) den, Setsuna is both unable to go outside of a 5 decameter radius of the tree and is unable to die. Being a spirit, he's unable to verbally communicate with the living, with the exception of Reaper, Shin, and Chuuya. A wise wolf, Setsuna is often seen staring longingly at the sky. He enjoys watching the youthful energy of the more childish wolves of the pack. Despises fire. Setsuna can be quite manipulative and if wronged, will get his revenge one way or another. He occasionally gets a wave of jealousy and hatred for those around him, seeing how free they are, but he tries to control it so that he doesn't harm his beloved pack. Any damage to the cherry blossom tree pains him and he feels anything that the tree "feels" Extra: Soft pink, red, black, white, gold and silver uwu
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Pack Number: 243831 Character Ref:  Character Personallity and/or Backstory: Shruiken is highly aloof and is always hungry. Extra: Planning on putting this in my character gallery!

Pack Number: 137001 Character Ref:  Character Personallity and/or Backstory: He has been trained by military officers to be a weapon. Him and several other of his species, his personality is, or was, before he escaped the soldiers grasps to only listen to commands. Hes still learning what emotions mean. Extra: You may draw him with scars anywhere, I havent quite thought out how his escape would go but hes not getting out with no injuries :) Fav colors: Dark purple :) Edited at March 31, 2020 07:36 PM by Badmoon Rising

@Badmoon Only one character per post is allowed, after a few hours you can post another :)

Biohazard said: @Badmoon Only one character per post is allowed, after a few hours you can post another :)
My bad, fixed it!

I also have this borzoi dude who's pretty weird. Maybe he'll catch your eye? Pack Number: 196887 Character Ref: art/character (c) me Character Personality and/or Backstory: Av is a lone vigilante who is known as multiple different names. He roams the land, ruling justice on who he deems fit. He's a peacekeeper and notorious for dismantling dangerous groups. Extra: again, I love green. Particularly sage green :) Edited at March 31, 2020 08:12 PM by Grimm

Pack number: 172010 Character Ref:  Character Personality: This boy is overall a pretty laid back kinda guy. He's typically sarcastic, and can come off as snarky or rude to those who don't know him. If you do know him, though, he's a loveable goof who can make you laugh for hours on end. Extra: Blueish-Gray cloudy day color is probably my favorite :) Edited at April 1, 2020 06:28 AM by Double Dare

Pack Number: 249424 Character Personality and/or Backstory: Konah is the guardian of The Forest of Attonis along with his sister Lexia (credits to Tenko/249837). They take the people who survive the trivial forest on adventures, and things. Konah is quite chill, but anything will easily get on his nerves, so he's quite the hot-head. He tries to intimidate anyone who comes across him (except for his sister, who he's afraid of really-). Extra: You seriously don't have to do this since you already made Asher, and I really appreciate it! <3 Any shade of purple is quite appealing to me ;3

Pack number: 223176 Personality/backstory: prefers to keep to the shadows and is very observant. Trusts very few, but those she does she would give her life for. A bit of a goof but generally hides it out of embarrassment. She is quite smart and very witty, with sarcasm being her first language. Is just as likely to curl up with a book as to bite. Tries to hide her emotions but they do boil over, which annoys her to no end. Enjoys swimming. Favourite time of day is night, hands (or paws~) down. A bit of a WIP~ Extra: feel free to play around with her design a bit. Red! . Edit: autocorrect is a pain Edited at April 1, 2020 02:17 AM by Evie (The11) Frye

Game Moderator Darkseeker
username + id: Obscurity, 215896 character reference: Taz an official reference sheet is still a wip uwu personality: Taz does have a couple different "versions" that I've created, since he's a rather new revamped design / character. I originally developed him, as an imp wolf, to be an extremely selective mute and shy, but when I incorporated him into an RP, that personality "switched" to become his human personality, and his wolf form adopted a more vicious and very protective personality. e.g. (something that i wrote to a commissioner explaining the "varying" sides) If Taz was being drawn in his soft version, I'd love for something to be done with him and some strawberries. Maybe something with him just poking his nose in a bowl of strawberries with a "!" and a heart "emanata" (I think that's the word) come off I'd love that ;v;
If Taz was being drawn in his alternate version, if he could be done in a full body, and looking pretty fierce (and if possible) some blue hellfire around his jaws and paws, and tail kinda poised as if he was ready to jab at someone. If the background could be kinda dark, maybe a forest that would be awesome. The hellfire is the only source of light. extra: thank you so much, bio, for this opportunity *^* your art is godlyyyyy <33333 aqua Edited at April 1, 2020 06:51 AM by Obscurity