
Pack Number: 231177 Character Personallity and/or Backstory: He's basically a general, who'd practically enslave individuals in a rather cruel manner lmao. He's just a rude bastard, who'd threaten even a helping hand, so yknow. Extra: He can also be drawing without roses/cape

Pack name: 252637 Character ref:  Character Personality and/or background: Energetic, sweet, extrovert, clueless, caring, silly, and funny, can't stay in one place. This girl never seems to run out of energy, you might as well use her as a charging port. Or maybe not. She's very playful... Maybe a bit too much. She loves to talk, joke around, and overall just have a good time. She wouldn't hesitate to explore any place giving the opportunity, which could also be a hazard to her life. She's pretty much like a sweet little sister to anyone she gets along with. Although she's sometimes clueless, she does get wary around strangers, but once she is sure you mean no harm, she is sure to quickly become your friend. Extra: She's an African wild dog

Pack Number: 167661 Character Ref: [Mod Edit: Image Removed for hotlinking] Character Personallity and/or Backstory: This OC used to be the nicest and most gentle being on earth, he helped others and didn't get into trouble. When he died a mishap happened and he got sent to hell instead of where he belongs, heaven. After a while of being down in hell and being torchered he became crazy and went insane. Extra: The green is decay and you're free to add open wounds, blood, whatever! I abosloutly love your art so I'm excited to see what you do with this guy. Also, the wings were just because I was bored but aren't an actual part of his design. Edited at November 2, 2020 11:47 AM by Hallbjorns

Pack Number: 260267 • • Character Personallity and/or Backstory: I dont have one for her yet but I'll definitely work on that in the future! • Extra: Thank you for the opportunity and your art is stunning!

God of sight and wisdom. The all seeing one

Pack Number: 2497 Character Ref:  Character Personallity and/or Backstory: Hi I am the son of Aurora and Logan "the original Alphas of the pack" born of their Spirits and sent to their packs living descendants to guide and protect them from the evil my Parents have sensed was coming. I have my Mothers love of knowledge and trickster spirit and my Fathers heart and bravery. Together from them both the Magic that flows through my veins and their strength of spirit I hope I have what it will take to keep our Family strong united safe and whole! Extra: Thank you for this chance to get some of your epic art and if you choose him do have fun !!!

Pack Number: 249424. Character Ref: PM me if you need it unwatermarked. Character Personallity and/or Backstory: Uhm, he's just a depressing fu c k, I guessa little messed up, but who isn't. Ali puts on a full face of makeup everyday to hide how average he is. He doesn't want to be any ordinary person, infact fears it. So with that, he covers himself in nasty chemical products to hide his average joe apperance. Ali's real personality is shy, anxiety filled, self-concious, and bascially just any normal emo kid goin' through it. RIP, we love having sad characters in this neighbourhood. Extra: His teeth are the same grey as his hair spikes/stripes. U h m, you're welcome to do anything with my kid! (Like if you wanna completely d i s f i g u r e him, p l e a s e do, lmfao.) Also I love you. All homo? Andddd- any shade of purple. <3 Edited at November 4, 2020 08:11 PM by Reathmuaz

Pack Number: #266246 Character Personality/Backstory: Stallone is very hard to get along with. Hes anti-social, aggressive, and unapproachable. Hes very grumpy and dislikes most things. Extra: Red, because why not.

Pack Number: 223738 Character Ref: Character Personallity and/or Backstory: -Tired -Moody -Pretty much hates the world Extra: ;-; natural greens are pretty

Pack Number: 256289 Character Personallity and/or Backstory: Can be seen in the 'About' tab. A quick rundown: Cruel, violent and hot-tempered Extra: Some of the crystals splattered with blood will be nice.