You've said the magic words, hallelujah! I was scared to submit because I saw you'd only done canines, but here we go!

Pack Name: Black Swan
Pack Number: 202952
Character: Ceylana
Character Personality/Backstory: Ceylana is the anomaly offspring of a shape-shifting frost giant and a dragoness. Her and her twin brother Gartheldur were therefore both born with the ability to wield ice and fire, however it has shaped and changed their personalities. Ceylana can go from full-out rage to icy calm in a split second, which can make her interesting company. She is mischevious, an adrenaline junkie with a taste for adventure, and very playful. Her antics and quips will often drive her clanmates crazy, although it's more often an endearing quality. She is kind, generous, as well as soft and gold of heart, and needs very little to make her happy.
Backstory(optional read, it's very long)
Ceylana and her brother's egg were found abandoned in the middle of the eye of a storm, and adopted by an elderly female. They then became part of the clan Thyestrel, in which they quickly assimilated and through their sibling competitiveness became the clan's two best aerial aces. However, as they grew older their interests diverged. Gartheldur, full of fiery ambition, wanted to become the next war chieftain of the clan, seeing as how much power and fame the position brought. Ceylana was content with becoming a member on the hunting squad.
They were both fine in these positions, until Gartheldur grew greedy. He saw all the land and territories as them as resources for the taking, and began to wage war on the smaller clans. As he gathered speed through victory and added more dragons to their clan, Gartheldur then proceeded to take down the larger clans. Fast forward three years, Thyestrel had absorbed all the clans on the continent.
Almost all. There was one clan that Thyestrel hadn't conquered yet: the kingdom of Myranos. Myranos, situated in the deactivated crater of a volcano, was said to be the birthplace of all dragons, and was therefore sacred to all dragonkind. At first, Gartheldur respected this, but in the night the greed gnawed at him to the bone, and eventually one day he caved and went to ask the clan head Elder for permission. Of course it was outright denied as it would be if a human asked a priest if they could sack and pillage a church.
However, that one, untouched piece of land was too much of a temptation for Gartheldur, and on a spur of his heritage inflated rage he slaughtered the Elder and set out with the entire mass of soldiers to go take Myranos. There had only been whispers about the mysterious clan, mystical rumours that the dragons were powerful and far advanced beyond the rest of the land, but Gartheldur ignored all these. It turned out the rumours were very much so the truth, and Thyestrel's armies were destroyed by Myranos' superb technology(armor, weapons, battle tactics).
In addition to their crippling defeat, the first dragon that touched down on Myranos soil with the intent to harm unleased a curse implemented over hundreds of millenia ago. This curse rendered the land of the dragon who released it completely barren, and since that dragon was of Thyestrel, and Thyestrel had conquered all the land, the whole entire continent suffered. Flora shriveled and rotted away, and fauna died with it, leaving the dragons of Bythol to starve and die.
By winter, there was nothing left to eat. Gartheldur ordered the clan turn to cannibalizing the deceased members. There was some resistance at first, but after a few weeks mostly everyone had converted. This included Ceylana. When the bodies started thinning out, the clan began to kill off the weakest dragons and eat them. This was unnacceptable to Ceylana, and she plotted along with six other clan members to flee Thyestrel and head to Myranos for sanctuary. Unfortunately, there was a mole in the group, and Gartheldur made sure Ceylana watched the entire time with her eyes open as her companions were eaten alive by the others.
Horrified at the state of the clan, Ceylana took off that very night, resolving that she would escape or die trying. Gartheldur, knowing that his sister might do something like this, caught her in the act, but he had grown slow and heavy with muscle as his time as a war chieftain, whereas Ceylana was still lithe and limber. She slipped out of his grasp, but not before Gartheldur bestowed one last parting gift by burning the membranes of Ceylana's wings, damaging her ability to fly. Only pure iron will kept Ceylana aloft, and when she reached Myranos she blacked out from the pain and fell from the sky.
The dragons of Myranos welcomed Ceylana with open arms, with some inital animosity of course. She didn't dare say she was the sibling of Gartheldur. Ceylana stayed at Myranos for eighty years before she set out on a journey to spread the values and wisdom the clan had taught her. She stopped short upon her discovery of a human village, whose inhabitants were starving from the Blight, took pity on them and decided to help. With her veteran skills as a hunting squad member, Ceylana fetched prey from the nearby woods, dropping them before the village gates. The villagers were terrified at first, but when they realized Ceylana had only good intents, they made her the village protector. Ceylana spent approximately two-hundred years there, happy to watch generations of humans grow and thrive. She even participated in some wars against enemy kingdoms.
The Blight began to lift as the last of the dragons with Thyestrel blood perished, and the clan began to branch out again. As the curse lifted, a lot of the dragons decided to desert Thyestrel, traumatized by the events caused by Gartheldur's leadership. In one week alone, Gartheldur lost everything he had worked for. So when he heard how well his sister was doing with what simple things she had, Gartheldur was enraged. He spent a fortnight flying to Ceylana's village, and when he arrived he laid siege to its entirety. Ceylana tried to fight him off, but Gartheldur was too strong. When he finished with his destruction, nothing was left. Every man, woman, and child had been charred to ashes in the fire, at least that's what Ceylana thought.
Devastated, Ceylana fled into the mountains, where she stayed for one hundred and fifty years. But her spirit for adventure eventually became too strong, and Ceylana had to set out again to quench her thirst...