
Game Moderator Neutral
Pack number: 193898 Character ref: Personality: Kiana is a friendly canine who can be very protective. She is very adventurous, curious and enjoys having her freedom. Kiana generally doesn't care about what others think of her and her friends or family. She is serious however when she is doing her job. Extra: black is my favorite color Edited at July 18, 2020 12:06 PM by Feiella
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pack number 256169 Character Personality mazikine strong,loyal,fierce,stands up for what she believes,fighter,hates teasing,death,losing someone,losing someone becuase of her. shadow fire,strong,like to lead,can be bossy, fighter ,death, determined,can be stubborn at times,shy,kind,nice,enjoys running around and playing. Extra can you do them both in the same picture if you can't just choose one

pack number: 249781 character ref:  character personality and/or backstory: akito is generally shy and loves other animals, if he sees another animal hurt he will try to help them and he is very scared of large animals and will try to run and hide extra: green/orange are my favorite colors thats why i had him made and the black designs arent optional

Pack Number: #202022 Character Personality and/or Backstory: If you cant tell from her name, Summer is extremely lively, she loved the summer time and hanging out with others. Although Summer is a small cat, she acts more like a dog, she's playful, curious and extremely friendly. She likes to pretend she's all big and strong sometimes. Only to be knocked over by a bigger animal.
Extra: I love the color yellow, and thanks for doing this if you end up wanting to :3 Edited at July 19, 2020 05:22 PM by Kylie Hatake

Pack number: #233424 Personality Very rebellious and carefree, Always wanting to live on the wild side,leading him to get in trouble Loves eating watermelon,hates when people try to controll him Extra: Thanks if you choose to do him <3 Edited at July 22, 2020 10:23 PM by Rebel's rein

Pack Number: 260267 Character Personallity and/or Backstory: She's a WIP so unfortunately I don't have much of a backstory or personality for her yet. Extra: thanks for the opportunity. ❤︎

Pack Number: 255943 Character Personallity and/or Backstory: She's a sweet child who will hurt you if you bother her. More information on that page, but you don't have to read it of course! Extra: do whatever you like! Edited at August 4, 2020 09:09 PM by Bronzewing

Pack Number: 255366 Character Ref: My girl Character Personality and/or Backstory: She's a prankster and an overall friendly gal. She hates violence, weapons, and spice. Xuxu's a floof, basically. Extra: Mint tho. Or cream. Fite me *^* - *le gasp* bIo aRt tHaT I CaN AffOrD-

Pack Number: 257887 Character Ref: Personality/Backround: What everyone in her pack thought a a kind, young, and beautiful she-wolf ended up a murderous and sneaky killer drawing her victims from the pack and then ambushing them uasllly with the hel of her brother. Want to know more information go read "My OC: Asami" in my blog Extra: She one sneaky child, so make sure to watch your back your she'll get you <3 Also if you do her pwease PM me! :3

Pack Number: 263750 Character ref:  Personality/backround: This is Rose. She is the first custom I made. She is very gentle, king, caring bold, fearless, strong and VERY fast. She is normally what I use for characters in my RP's (unless if it is a RP other than a wolf RP of course.) She is a mix of both nice and evil. EXTRA: My favorite color is Sapphire blue!