
Pack Number: 217996 --- Character Ref: (c) Iruna --- Character Personality and/or Backstory: Zerrin is a mysterious and independent being. He is very secretive about himself, always keeping the focus on someone else rather than him. He is cautious and doesn't trust others easily, which makes him come off as hostile or uninterested at first. However, once you can gain his trust, he will eventually start to open up. He is oddly calm all the time, even when he is angry. He can be very defensive when protecting someone he cares for, and never puts himself before anyone else. --- Extra: If you choose to do him, have fun! ^^ Edited at June 12, 2020 02:20 AM by Ouija
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Pack Number: 261176 Character Ref: Don't have one yet. She's a skinny girl with sorta big ears and a fluffy tail and some golden falcon-like eyes. Some black falcon-like wings would be cool- I have no supernatural stuff associated with her, so go ham ^^ Oh, and she has a small (barely visible) scar on her back left leg fom a coyote. Character Personallity and/or Backstory: Um, super trusting (most of the time), kind, smart, brave, uh... no backstory yet. Extra: Go crazy ^^ (and I'm really sorry I don't have a ref....) Um, teal? Edited at July 15, 2020 11:44 AM by Raining

Heya Pack Number: Mouse Character Personallity and/or Backstory: All listed in the gallery Extra: Aria and Disquiet are a new couple and I'd really love to see some cute couples type thing. Also, Orange, even though everyone hates it ^^

Pack number: 203813 Character ref: https://toyhou.se/7493464.kayden >.> Character personality and/or backstory: she doesn't have a personality right now- but I'd guess she'd have a sweet and soft but feisty personality? Often lashing out at people when angered and annoyed or disturbed. She'd liked things to be quiet and calm around her, she would love to read books, scrolls and other things of that sort, often going on adventures for weeks upon weeks and looking for random stuff, she found a gold crown a long time ago and wears it sometimes, it has flowers and vines attached and tangled around it extra: you can always do others in my TH or ask for other characters <3 >.> oranges, navy blues and light soft purples Edited at July 15, 2020 02:26 PM by greywind

Pack Number: 167661 Back story: Forced to be hidden because of his mutations and blind eye Krox grew to hate the world. His mother and father were both murderous beings and they seemed to pass down the need for blood to Krox. It started off with little animals that he caught but soon moved so larger animals then others of his kind. Krox found murder a fun sport and the more he killed the more he liked it and the more manic he became. Extra: green or red

Pack Number: 245335 Character Personallity and/or Backstory: Born with schizophrenia, Dalmor had a hard time growing up; especially because everyone refused to believe him. His hallucinations prevented him from doing basic wolf things, like hunting and going on patrols, so he was quickly demoted to Omega; though his father thought of him as even lower. Eventually his father snapped and attacked him, causing the mangling of his right ear(not depicted in the ref) and the scars on his muzzle. His mother tried to save him, but failed and ended up dead infront of Dalmor; causing his ptsd. He managed to escape, however, and keeps company with one of his hallucinations, a giant shadowy wolf with red eyes. Extra: Purple/blue depending Edited at July 16, 2020 04:41 AM by Sleep Walkers

Pack Number: 258807 Character Personallity and/or Backstory: Oreo is gentle and sweet towards her pack (She has no Backstory Yet! Sorry about that.) and never betrayed them. Her loyalty is endless, and so is her empathy. Oreo can be fierce at times when her pack is being harrased by cruel wolf packs, foxes and other predators. Though usually she is quite graceful. Extra: (She has wings that are black, but fade into a crimson red at the tips, also a red flower crown.) -Purple, Light pink/Watermelon and Sky blue or arctic

Pack Number: 238499 Character Ref:  Character Personallity and/or Backstory: he's a grumpy boy. Extra: here's a list of all my OCs you can pick from if you'd rather: All OCs Edited at July 18, 2020 03:47 PM by The Wayward Wolf

Pack Number: 254932 Character Personallity and/or Backstory: She's sassy, sarcastic, and opinionated. Not much else to say ^^" Extra: A nice dark blue-grey color? I don't know, there are so many nice colors haha.

Pack number: 203451 Ref:  Specie: small deer Personality: very instinctive creature,but acts more like element/nature driven force, kind of comes of as angry and vegenanceful all the time Extra: he kind of controls fire as he pleases so his flames can do lots of stuff and shrink or grow Edited at July 18, 2020 06:34 AM by Hurry