
Pack Number: 213061 Character Personallity and/or Backstory: havent done anything here yet but he is an absolute bastard :') Extra: #1f1b54, a certain shade of blue :P

god your art is hot- Pack Number: 259385 Character Personallity and/or Backstory: notes here Extra: dark green!! and thank you sm for hosting this! are tips cool? bc like,,, man this is very nice work youre doing.

your art,, it gives me life Pack Number: 180302 Character Personallity and/or Backstory: doesn't really have one but she's a sweet little child, plays with bubbles and hates parrotfish. my bb Extra: YELLOW. Yellow and purple to be exact cause they're on opposite sides of the color wheel and that makes it SPICY but yellow is just so great. Also we should do an art collab/trade someday. we could rule the world, you and I

Pack Number: 251472 Character Personality/Background: Tato doesnt care about things, very atheletic. She is also very Stubborn. Extra: Bubblegum Pink. Thanks for making this! Edited at June 8, 2020 10:52 AM by H e a r t B r e a k

Pack Number: Character Ref: in my bio Character Personallity and/or Backstory: zombie was born brown she loved playing in the water al lot. But a chemical was in the water zombie went for a drink she saw her coat changing to a light green. Confused she ran away from the water but a lighting strike came down and hit her.She woke up blind in her left eye. Extra: put zombie at the bottom

Pack Number:245883 Character Ref: Character Personallity and/or Backstory: Sorry I dont honestly have much to out here since hes a new boi. May add later though Extra:blue, black, rainbowssssss

Form Pack Number: 2497 Character Ref:  this is for the white wolf in the pictures Character Personallity and/or Backstory: Aurora is very smart loving and kind though she has a bit of a playful streak "at least that is what she claims" but everyone who knows her would say it's more like she's the comedic prankster of Ravenclaw! Her happiest times are when she is with your beloved boyfriend Logan even though she can resist pranking him the love in his eyes when he looks at her just makes her heart sing! Extra: I love Harry Potter so anything close to Harry Potter that the site would allow I would be beyond happy with!!! My favorite color is white!!! Edited at June 11, 2020 08:08 PM by Twilight_Moon_Racer

Form Pack Number: 2497 Character Ref:  this is for the brown wolf in the picture Character Personallity and/or Backstory: Logan like all Gryfindors is loyal and brave to a falt and if ever you are in any trouble he would be there for you no matter what! Though Logan is quite and shy even with his girlfriend Aurora all the rest of the time but is true of heart, and has never been more happy then when they are together! Extra: I love Harry Potter so anything close to Harry Potter that the site would allow I would be beyond happy with!!! My favorite color is white!!! By the way thank you Biohazard for giving the chance to get some of your amazing art !!!

Pack Number: 252380 Character Ref: all art below rightfully belongs to myself :) Character Personallity and/or Backstory: these two boyos are brothers, and well, they don't really get along. i guess you could say that they have a hate-love relationship. flex is a bit more easy-going, but still stubborn and determined. there's times where he can be an asshole, but is rather welcoming. jake on the other hand, is the complete opposite. he's a lady's man - always flirting whenever he can, rather chaotic at times, but is determined. they each still love one another though. (jake is the more lighter one, flex is the darker one) Extra: you do not have to do both of these guys in one piece, you can simply do one or the other. also, i love your art style and i admire it a lot :)

Pack Number: 254932 Character Ref: Bella Character Personallity and/or Backstory: She's sassy, sarcastic, and opinionated... but she's also the most loveable floofball ever, even though she doesn't like to make that known. Extra: A grey/blue kind of color I guess? It's always been some kind of blue, but the exact color changes every now and then :') Also, thank you for doing this, your art is amazing! Edited at June 14, 2020 01:36 PM by clementine