
Pack number: 258888 Character reference: Keith Character personality: Keith is a playfull dog, yes. But he is fierce and cunning like anyone, fast thinker and faster hunter. Extra: Orange is my fav <3 Edited at June 6, 2020 11:50 PM by Askari

Pack Number: 256273 Character Personallity and/or Backstory: This is Honey Tux. He's quite an intimidating wolf to the others in the pack and is highly respected. He loves exploring and uses his intelligence and agility to be a highly successful hunter. His beautiful Honey 2 coat would be passed down onto his pups if he ever found a mate XD. Extra: Black is my favorite color :) I would be super happy is you could do something realistic like this art piece you posted at the top! I would like to use it as my pack avi :)

245674 Character(s) Thanks for opportunity Not posting backstory or Personality as it's multiple ocs.

Pack Number - 194372 Characters - Disquiet and Halcyon Neither of the two have much of a backstory yet as I'm still working on that and still stretching my wings into the world of OCs Extra - Orange... don't know why, but for whatever reason, it's orange. Edited at June 2, 2020 06:38 AM by Mouse

~~ Pack Number: 259358 Character Ref(s): BoneFlesh (All Artists should be credited) Character Personality and/or Backstory: (Some of it is in his toyhouse) He has no specific background, he is a demon and can not die, anytime he dies he reappears in hell. HIs Mask is made of dried clay and is stuck to his face by a magical force, he uses the eyes of his mask to see out od and if the mask were to ever be taken off he would die, yet again just reappearing in hell with it back on. He is mute as well and can not speak. He's incredibly protective of the ones he cares for, he is a quiet and mysterious individual. He is quite saddened by his life, he can't sleep, eat, or in enjoy things that every other living thing can. He can be incredibly scary at times. Extra: Have fun with this, thank you for the opportunity! My favorite color is pastel blue <3 ~~ Edited at June 2, 2020 11:05 AM by LevelOfConcern

Number- 252519 * Character Ref- * Character Personality/Background- Mina is a sassy small dog. Eveyone says she's a huge dog trapped in a Chinese Crested body. She is not afraid to atack anyone and will always stand up for what she believes, even if it's wrong * Extra- Pastel Purple ~ Not lavender And thank you if you do my beast I mean dog...

Pack Number: 259320 Character Ref: My alphas, in WP. Character Personallity and/or Backstory: Check out their bios. Extra: I would like a drawing of my two alphas. I'd like a lot of detail. I'm just looking for something cool, like the two side by side in the moonlight or back-to-back, something like that. I would like it detailed like your drawing right here. Your art is so cool!

Pack Number: 223738 Character Ref: Character Personallity and/or Backstory: He is very much a doom and gloom, annoyed, grumpy old fart. He pretty much despises everything living in the world, well everything that makes any noise, and is almost constantly dooming everyone around him. Enjoys being alone and walking through forests. Extra: Greens :3

pack number 255491 character ref i hope you're fine with dragons- and all i have are headshots right now ;-; by me ^ this one best shows his horns and spikes also by me ^ this one shows his colors and his scar better by #189694 as for his body, he's lean but muscular with average/large webbed wings (membranes same color as his skin). the spikes continue along his spine all the way down to his tail, all black, and his claws are black as well. he does not have scales nor fur, only skin please inlude the throat scar ^^ add as many or as few other scars as you like, but the throat one has to be there as the biggest and most noticeable character personality and backstory Kyle has a very cold personality and doesn't like to interact with others, often turning hostile and aggressive at even slight annoyances and not afraid to fight. He prefers to be alone rather than with people, though if he finds somebody tolerable (which is quite rare), he'll be fine with their company and sometimes even like spending time with them. He's very closed off and refuses to talk about his past, often becoming angry if it's brought up at all. Even if he is aggressive and distanced, he is kinda lonely.. but he's gotten used to it. extra black, dark brown, gold, most shades of blue and aqua

Pack Number: 259784 Character Ref: Character Personallity and/or Backstory: He doesn't have one :/ Extra: Blue!!