
Pack number: 226175 Character ref:  (c) me She's an old character that needs some new art. She's some sort of fierce light/darkness goddess. She has a sighthound type build - like a long haired greyhound. I think she has a horse-like tail? Honestly, do whatever you'd like ^^ Personality/backstory: She's a fierce creature and doesn't ever reveal emotion. She lives in fear of the supreme goddess of the land, but dares not show it. There is no mortal that will not bow to her, and she wishes to keep it that way. Despite all, she's incredibly honest and righteous. Other: Please feel free to play with her design! I love navy blue, indigo, and dark green ^^

Pack Number: 152270 Character Ref: Character Personallity and/or Backstory: This wolf used to be happy, cheerful, and an easy going girl. That all changed when her pack went into war and were slautered, her being the only survivor. She is now quiet, reserved, and timid, not wanting to get close to anyone again as she is terrified to loose them. Extra: Blue. I love your art btw <3 Edited at April 20, 2020 11:59 PM by Rosemary

Pack Number: 212268 Character Ref:  Character Personallity and/or Backstory: Jacob is a strong and fierce wolf when leading the pack but when hes with scarlet he shows he true side which is kind and sweet he is super protective and a real leader he has hurt scarlet but he trys his hardest to make it up to her. Extra: i love green or black Second One Pack Number: 212268 Character Personallity and/or Backstory: Azrail was a warrior of hell till lucifers down fall he was then kidnapped and locked in chains (hell Iron) and locked in a hell iron cage till found by Fawn. Extra: Green and Black Edited at April 23, 2020 04:05 AM by Broken Archangel

Pack Number: 212358 Character Ref:  This is her basic ref sheet. These two images better showcase her personality, so I added them in. https://wolfplaygame.com/forums.php?f=5&t=44671 This is a link to more art of her and my other OCs if you're looking for more references of her. Character Personality and/or Backstory: This is Implico, meaning "Puzzle" in Latin because, well, she is like one, both in personality and appearance. She's like a wolf version of Frankenstein, and she's sort of like a demon (?) I suppose. Personality-wise, Implico has a personality that consists of being fed-up with everything and everybody. Not one for socialization, she will only be seen communicating when it comes to pulling tricks on others, after all, she is a cunning and mischievous individual. She's an enigma to many, and much prefers spending time by herself in the comfort of shadows and darkness. Her main emotion is anger, and will often trapeze around with a scowl or snarl fixated upon her face. Emotions such as humour and sadness are unknown to her, for she feels nothing but the bad ones; rage, frustration, annoyance, etc. A Queen within her own world, Implico walks around as if she owns everything, while everybody else is nugatory and simply her minions. Extra: Your art is flipping amazing. :o Yellow and purple are pretty spiffy, by the way. Edited at April 24, 2020 04:32 PM by Tenebris Umbra

Pack Number: 223738 Character Ref: Jerold ;-; a sensory overload Character Personality and/or background: Worry wart, annoyed easily, introvert, aggresive towards everything. Probably has OCD, ADHD, and major anxiety about his space bubble. Extra: <3 my preferences have changed to bioluminescent shrooms, i like their color ;-;

Pack Number: 256149 Character Ref: [Mod Edit: Removed for non-stock, hotlinking and no credits.] A dog that looks like this, no collars or anything. Character Personallity and/or Backstory: This dog is a sleek hunter. He is lives in the woods and hunts squirrels. A very calm dog, he loves to explore and admire nature. He is rarely upset and steadfast of character. He is bold yet kind. Extra: Your work is beautiful. :) Favorite colors: Navy blue, white, pale blue. Shades of blue basically. Edited at April 21, 2020 03:50 PM by Serial Dreamer

Hey everyone! I have sort of hit the art block wall again, which means I will be working on ocs from here but I'll be slower at it ;-; I'm posting my current WIPs though just so you know that I haven't forgot about this shop! ^^ Also, if you see that I skipped your oc- it doesn't mean that you won't get art of them! ;p ^WIP - art will belong to Red Queen, 123509 _ ^WIP - art will belong to Asterism, 250005 _ ^WIP - art will belong to Akugitsune328, 204590 _ ^WIP - art will belong to Morningstar, 253007

Pack Number: #218983 Character Personallity and/or Backstory: On his TH Extra: Purple ^^ Please do tell me if I post here too often, though I keep it a week apart between posting <3
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Pack Number:1966228 Character Ref:  Character Personallity and/or Backstory: This is Pandora my Palomino Mare, she's a adventurous and mischievous female because she's just out of her foal years. She has a big heart and can put a smile to your face Extra: Gold, she has Dream Catched in mane Edited at April 23, 2020 04:13 AM by Prophetess~

Pack Number: 232208 Character Ref: Character Personallity: Fall: Emotionless Starry: Always happy Mizu: sad looking Extra: Fall: ~ Starry: Moustache Mizu: ~ Edited at April 24, 2020 04:52 AM by Ghostmoon