
I chose neutral because I couldn't really pick a side, whether I wanted to be dark, or light. Also, neutrals had a slight battle boost day and night, so I went with neutral ^^

aspen said:
Edit: I created this topic not knowing this was created in Darkseeker's and Lightbringer's already xD
So.. why neutral xD I mean a lot of people don't get to choose because of the imbalance of the different factions so, but if you actually chose neutrals? why? xD
doesn't the others sound cooler?
I choose netural so I dont get caught up in de DRANMA@@

I chose neutral because I was a dark seeker on my old account, and I figured why not try it? Besides, I wouldn't necessarily describe myself as a light seeker either (lol)

I chose neutral because I like being free and not having a care in zee world!

I chose neutral because people aren't always evil, but also not perfect little angels. It keeps the balance in between.

I choose Neutral because I really didn't think any of the other factions were appealing. Lightbringers seemed cliché, and so did Darkseekers, so I went with the happy medium, Neutrals. Also, I felt like I was drawn to Neutrals because I'm a night person, but once I wake up, I'm wide awake. So I wouldn't really fit in with either Lightbring, or Darkseekes.

I made my account when i didnt know what does they mean, if i was smart enough back then, i would be an lightbringer

My other account was lightbringer *shrug*

I chose Neutral because I basically am without a doubt a Neutral plus it seems less restricting than the other two and my name on most games and in my drawings is either Rogue, Rogue SilverSoul or just SilverSoul so I just chose what suites me best honestly XD

I chose neutral because evil is not evil, and good is not good. Lesser, greater, middling of either "good" or "evil," it makes no difference. The boundaries between both are blurred. The definition of both is debatable. I chose neutral because I see things as seperate actions, not as a whole. Seeing things as black or white is like looking at an unfinished painting, and as such both are shades of grey. I don't see any faction better than the others. In fact, I certainly feel the opposite. You need both "good" and "evil" before there can be an absence of them. However, I will say that those who say Darkseekers are "evil" and Lightseekers are "good" have less of an understanding and grasp on reality. What is the role of psychology in relation to goodness and evil? We can study the psychological processes, such as anger, hostility, the devaluation of groups of people, empathy or its absence, and a feeling of responsibility for others' welfare, that make a person act in destructive or caring ways. But that is just a classification. A mindset. These attributes could describe a priest, but the opposite could be true for the school bully. This is where neutrality comes in. A classification for those who don't fit into the cookie cutter cliches that humans create to make sense of the world. Neutrality comes in the form of two things, and one person can agree with both: resisting the impulse to reciprocate and/or instigate affects and actions, or wanting to steer away from moral questions. You might be asking "What about freedom?" Well, some words, just like good and evil, fit into no category. As a rule, language is a neutral status until you add connotations to the mix. This issue is not found in math, which can be considered a 'truely neutral' subject. Now, before I start getting shot with confused or insulted PMs, I want to make it clear that this is a look into one mindset. My mindset. Not the mindset of any of the other 7.53 billion people in the world, but mine. Why do I bring that up specifically? I want to make it clear that it would be impossible for me to tell how my words would affect anyone else in the world. And that, to me, is the simply beautiful curse of writing. Edited at April 10, 2020 10:50 PM by Wildfell