
I chose neutral because of the slight battle boost at all times in PvP.

I chose neural because my old accounts (I've had many) I always chose darkseekers and lightbringers. So I thought I word change it up a bit. Also I chose it because no one can ever be pure evil and no one can ever be pure good. No matter how many bad things you've done in your life you have also done good, vice versa. So yeah! I'm rambling on again!!

i chose neural will id didn't when i made my account it wouldn't let me chose so i'm stuck

I chose Neutral because it seemed as if there would be less interpersonal conflict associated with that title. I wanted the ability to speak with the denizens of WolfPlay without any of the hostility that may be attached to Lightbringer or Darkseeker. I always try to be the neutral party in any conflict, to see both sides.

I didnt want to commit myself to either being evil or being overly good.

I chose neutral because of my bio.

I chose neutral because I'm not into the factions, so neutral worms out of it

I chose neutral because Im bad at making decisions. (When it gave me the choice, Lightbringer or Darkseeker, I didnt know what to choose) :P

<div style="text-align: center;">honestly, I'm still not one-hundred percent sure why I wanted to be a neutral.
<div style="text-align: center;">I may or may not have accidentally avoided the question, earning myself the title anyway, but that's definitely not the point. however, I love being a neutral! the community seems nice and the neutral packs are rather cool, too. <3

Because my first account was a Lightbringer and my second was a Darkseeker.
At the time during those accounts run times the neutrals were dominating everything. So I decided to make a new account in neutral