
Literally a random choice. I'm still fairly new here and barely understand how forums work. I saw the three choices and decided lightbringer sounded like a peaceful religeon x3

I just accidentally tapped the wrong button Lol.If you want to see my true personality then you are in for death,or maybe just terror.I am truly the forgotten darkseeker.But I may stay this way to take back the world of wolfplay for the Lightbrigher but then I will take over myself.That gives me an idea after I will rule the world no one can stop me

My reasoning to join lightbringers is mostly my character,Whispering,a wolf who likes to stand in the moonlight but one day,the moon dissapeared,so she set out to find it (if that makes sense) Darkseeker wouldnt make sense since Whispering doesn't like the dark and thats why she stays in the moonlight,and maybe she'd be the wolf who brung back the moon, so Lightbringer kinda worked. (if you're wondering,she did find the moon XD)
I do have accounts on each alliance though,did you know,this wasnt my first account? ):3

Roleplaying purposes hehe.

Part of my pack name is 'protectors' so I thought 'Lightbringers are protectors. This must be the perfect aligiance for me'

I chose lightbringer because it sounded like the kinder set of people? but I wasn't given any backstory or explanation or anything on what each one is so it didn't really matter what i picket - it was spur of the moment click to get past that choice to the tutorial.

I chose Lightbringers because it sounds cool and because one of my wolves is literary named Link so....

Venomous Flames said: I chose to be a Lightbringer because I actually thought that we were at war with Darkseekers. I wanted to be on the side of good which is hilarious because I almost always play a villian in RPs
same here

OH HEYYY, I was here to comment on this and looks like I already did. My reason still stands

I chose Lightbringers because I like being good and some of it relates to my fave show about how every one has light in them even snakes