
I want a birdddddd
But my mom doesn't want to <.<
Or I would like some rats again! I had 2 once and they were just the beeeeest

An Australian Shepherd named Bailey! I have never had a dog before and this is one of my favorite breeds besides German Shepherds. Edited at March 17, 2020 12:21 PM by Ciao!

Definitely a red spitting cobra. Name is dependent on what color and what gender the snakey is. Unfortunately, you need a license where I live to have one :'(

I want a Fennec Fox. They're so calm (as long as they get to sun bathe) and cute. I'd name it Echo..... just like I name all my Role Play characters and one of my Parakeets.

I'd love a horse, painted or maybe pibaled with blue eyes. I'd name it Dakoda because why not, and I'd like it to be female. OH HECK. I WANT A FERRET. Flipping ferrets are beautiful. Maybe an albino or a cream one.

I've always wanted a Pitbull, a black one maybe.
These dogs need and deserve more love then they're given.
If i had one, i would call it Quinn <3

Hm, there are so many dogs I want to have it's not even funny. Like honestly.
Doberman - Germany Rottweiler - Ludwig Greater Swiss Mountain Dog - Eiger Bernese Mountain Dog - Basch Rhodesian Ridgeback - Ace Pitbull - Gilbert Chesapeake Bay Retriever - Alfred Caucasian Sheepdog - Ivan Golden Retriever - Matthew/Mattie Border Collie - Arthur
I'd also love a snake, but can't own one here because they're illegal. (Also my family hates snakes. That too.)

I want a chinchilla. If it was a girl, I would name it Sya, and if it was a boy I'd named it Duvet.
I also want a giant rabbit. They seem like such a hassle though. I would name it Munchkin. (Get it? It's a big rabbit named Munchkin) Edited at June 25, 2019 11:31 PM by RoseKatt

No one's mentioned fantasy animals? Well it doesn't say in the rules that we can't say sooooo here we go!
I'd want a Pygmy puff and name it Fluff.

I would say I want a chow, but I've already got one so I want a pet ball python because they're so cute and curl up into these little balls. I'd get a girl and name it sasha