
Ayo. Boss, who exactly are permitted to use Blood-Gifters?

Anyone, really. As stated before, some vampires are willing to share while others aren't. If someone wants to convert a blood-gifter into a vampire, then they would have to ask the archdukes and archduchess first. After that, they discuss it with the queen (with their already given answers: approve or deny), and from there, the queen's words would be final. Spellbound said: Ayo. Boss, who exactly are permitted to use Blood-Gifters?

Gotcha. Gotcha. Tatsuya definitely doesn't like sharing his things 😌💅🏽✨.

Haha, Garvin over here just chilling in a house for once XD Garvin, "So like... Just give you blood and I stay here? Nice, nice. Sure, alright. Sounds good to me."

Zylpha would need a blood-gifter soon once she accepts drinking blood

And Garvin gets to see a pretty face everyday 😌✨. And Suya pampers those that he views as "his" , so Garvin can expect the best foods, clothing, and anything [reasonable] that he wants. After all my boy is pretty loaded.

Gonna take Garvin some time to get used to that XD It'll be fun to see their dynamic, which, by the way- Should we plot? Spellbound said: And Garvin gets to see a pretty face everyday 😌✨. And Suya pampers those that he views as "his" , so Garvin can expect the best foods, clothing, and anything [reasonable] that he wants. After all my boy is pretty loaded.

I volunteer Gene. And she wants to be a Vampire, so she's definitely going for being turned by the highest authority. Cereal said: Zylpha would need a blood-gifter soon once she accepts drinking blood

Ehehe. Suya definitely treats him well. And yes let us plot >:3 Overthink101 said: Gonna take Garvin some time to get used to that XD It'll be fun to see their dynamic, which, by the way- Should we plot? Spellbound said: And Garvin gets to see a pretty face everyday 😌✨. And Suya pampers those that he views as "his" , so Garvin can expect the best foods, clothing, and anything [reasonable] that he wants. After all my boy is pretty loaded.

Zylpha collects a harem of women, while Suya collects a harem of men. XD Spellbound said: I volunteer Gene. And she wants to be a Vampire, so she's definitely going for being turned by the highest authority. Cereal said: Zylpha would need a blood-gifter soon once she accepts drinking blood