Yeah, it could be, and I've decided it's both xD
Waaaait are we doing a re-reboot?! Hell yeah! Count me in! :D I have a completely different problem when it comes to memory- I remember random specific details that don't matter while my brain forgets the rest.
xD, sometimes i remember details but no context, but usually I remember the context as well
Are you an old freshie then? XD I've been having major boy problems recently too lol. A lot of them are just me, but some of them are his fault, too ^^"
What do you mean, old freshie?
I just mean cos of the min game age ^^"
I don't think it would make sense to bring him into this RP?- assuming it ever gets rebooted again (,:
Yeah, no, that's probably not his kind of rp xD
I mean, I guessss I'm an old freshie. I honestly don't remember what the minimum game age is/didn't know there was one, which probably means that yes, I suppose? I dunno.......
Skor, I actually like him a lot :0 I think, based on appearance, he'd be suited to it. However, I guess his personality also matters lol . . Lightning, I was old my freshman year, too, lol. But I don't mind, cos I had my license when all my other friends didn't even have their permits XD The min game age is 16 :)